Sep 19, 2005 15:43
well this weekend this weekend started out fucking badass, Our football did did freaking badass and even though they didn't win they still made me proud toi say i'm an EASTWOOD TROOPER( we''l get them next time) Then Dee's quinnce was badass, the court did an awesome job when we did the fun dance( i got alot of complements about it so good job). Me, annette, becky, liz, sam, uly, alex, aaron, and thomas danced practicully all night and we had a fucking blast. the after party was great too and i laughed my ass off cause a couple of people got super drunk fast and it was hilarious watching them. well i'm gonna miss the quincepractices on sundays and all the great people i met there( we should all totally go out together and party ,but this time we''l get drunk and you'll take care of us). the next morning on sunday i went 2 work and my little 1's r doing great at their nationals routine, then we practiced for cheer-tech's new dance team we have to perform and be the ginny pigs so people can see it and come join. then after that i had tumbling and i did pretty good but then when we were doing standing fulls by ourselves on the trampoline i freaked out on one and i fell so now my knee really hurts again buit its all good i guess. some other very interesting and upsetting things happened that ended up ruining my weekend but i'd rather not discuss them cause i don't have time to write evrything. well i'm done and sorry if this entry was pointless but i had another agenda when i decided to update so now i'll get to that and disregaurd this if it doesn't apply to u cause i have some thing to starighten out with some stupid people that have been writting comments and just talking shit on them. well bye and untril next time Bye again
Look listen up people that have been writting shit in my journal, i'm really tired of u and i totaly know who it is but anyways, quit your shit or grow balls and put your name on your comments so i can kick your ass again and this time i wont hold back cause i wont feel bad about kicking your fat ugly ass. so next time grow balls and put your name and stop being a fucking pussy