Today I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond to finally spend the gift card I got for Christmas. I wanted to get a one-handed pepper grinder to improve my culinary multitasking abilities, but I did not. I did not because I had a whole list of girlification things I had to buy instead. I was out of foundation and body lotion, I needed a sharpener for my eyeliner pencil, and all my lip gloss had vanished. Two X chromosomes require a daunting amount of upkeep.
I also wanted to pick up some razor blades, but it seems Gillette no longer makes my razor or the appropriate refills, so I have to buy a new razor. Have you looked at razors lately? They're getting kind of absurd. I just wanted a blade or two with a handle to shave my legs. This is all I desire in a razor. I do not want aloe strips or built-in shaving cream. It should not be scented. And it sure as hell should not VIBRATE. They're selling it as an exfoliation thing, but it mostly just sounds like something I want to keep far, far away from any part of my anatomy. And these things are apparently hot items, because they were all locked up so you had to find an employee to buy a stupid razor.
Also, on my way to the store I came across an ad for that pomegranate tea I mentioned the other day. I'll just let it speak for itself: