Feb 11, 2009 18:32
Weird Al is not my favorite musician. I liked his Star Wars-related parodies okay, and "White and Nerdy" is pretty good stuff, but generally I wouldn't say I'm a fan. However, he has had a significant influence on my lifetime music experience. Not in a good way.
I did not have much classic rock exposure as a child. Mom listens to the rock-of-the-moment mostly, and Dad generally sticks with jazz and NPR. Except for the Beach Boys and the Big Chill soundtrack I heard music made before 1980 only in snippets in movies or commercicals, or as background music in stores. Then in junior high and high school and college I became friends with the nerds, and Weird Al was suddenly fairly pervasive in my life. Therefore, the Weird Al parody of an older song was often the first exposure I had to the music, without ever having heard the original.
The end result of this is that the Weird Al lyrics have burned themselves into my brain. I can sometimes remember the original lyrics I learned later when I make conscious effort, but whenever "Lola" by the Kinks comes on the first words in my head are "I met him in a swamp down in Dagobah..." "Lump" is always about that stupid guy Tom Hanks played and dirty deeds will always be done with sheep.* I'm scarred for life.
*This one's Bob Rivers, not Weird Al, but the same principle applies.