Some of you have already seen
this article on the GOP's research into how to run against a woman or a black man without being accused of sexism/racism/other isms that could hurt the campaign. Now, feast your eyes on
images of the actual surveys Republicans gave to college students.
The thing I find most interesting about the surveys is the politics already inherent in the way they were written. The respondent is asked to rank how they feel about a series of statements. The Hillary-oriented section features such gems as "Most women interpret innocent remarks or acts as being sexist" and "Many women are actually seeking special favors, such as hiring policies that favor them over men, under the guise of asking for 'equality'". The Obama-meter survey, however, consists entirely of "I feel _____ when interacting with black people" statements, with a range of adjectives in the blank.
Fine. Now let's take some of the questions from one survey and apply them to the other. Statements like "I feel threatened, worried, nervous when interacting with women" just sound silly, even if a good portion of men probably do more than they would admit. But if a man were to answer yes to those questions that doesn't make him a sexist, it makes him a pussy. But how about "Blacks are too easily offended". "When blacks lose to whites in a fair competition, they typically complain about being discriminated against". These questions are so blatantly racist that no one would answer yes, so there's no point in asking. So if they're so offensive when applied to minorities, why is it okay to ask them about women?