Oh, it's cold. 50 degrees! I actually had to break out the long sleeves and, for the first time since March or April, I did not wear sandals to class. I know, I know, this barely qualifies as chilly, but I've just loved the last few weeks of 70s and sunshine. That's my kind of weather.
I'm reduced to talking about the weather. God, my life is boring. I eat, I sleep, I work and I go to class. That's it. And I'm in the dorms, so the food isn't even interesting.
Here's that pic from the last entry, thanks to Clay.
http://www.tc.umn.edu/~gins0019/HMOJesus.jpgNot related to anything, does anyone else remember Vermicious Knids? I just googled it to check the spelling, and there's a band called Vermicious Knids. Huh.