Personal Info:
Name: Christina
Personal LJ:
midnightsnow57 Msn:
Time Zone: CST
Character Info
CHARACTER NAME: Fai D. Flowright
CHARACTER SERIES: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles
Backtagging: Yes~
Threadhopping: Sure~
Fourthwalling: Go for it~
Offensive subjects (elaborate): Nothing off the top of my head~
Hugging this character: Sure~
Kissing this character: Sure~
Flirting with this character: Go for it~
Fighting with this character: Go for it~
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): I am good for pretty much everything. I've never played a character that hasn't been hospitalized, xD;
Killing this character: D= I should hope not. I can't play him if he's dead.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Why not?
Get your own copy of the IC/OOC Permissions meme! xD; This is my first time RP-ing Fai EVER and since this is such a big place, I'm sort of worried, xD; So please, if I'm HORRIBLE OOC please tell me ;w; I'm a sucker for characterization and so constructive criticism is 100% always welcome~