what i did for the rest of the break!!!

Feb 26, 2006 06:21


tuesday- went to target
to see mike then went
to stephs after.

wednesday-went lookingg for jobs
with stephanie and all that . we
were out for like the whole day
nd i ended up eating over we had pizza
nd i went home around 8 cuz american idol
was on!!!that was about it.

thursday- went to the dentist to get
a cavity drilled @ 930 or whatever
and went to stop and shop to get
food and went 2 the library 2 get
movies.haha well i didnt really
do anything all day but my gma
nd gpa came over for dinner  at like 5
and i went to courtney house that night
and we had so much fun.

friday-didnt really do anthing at all
except go to target wit stephanie
for like a few minutes. and i got
my hair cut at like 4 and came home
talked on the phone nd ate dinner
nd my parents went out so i had to
watch my lil brother and i watched
a movie nd fell asleep in my mom &&
dads bed then went in my bed !!

saturday- woke up at like 1230
i was tired i guess !! layed around all day
doingg absolutely nothingg..!!

today- woke up at 12
and ate breakfast
got clean in the bath
and did my english
hw thats about it <33

what a boringg breakk <3

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