I get the best ideas, but hardly ever follow through.

Jul 14, 2005 03:01

Let's see if I stick with this one.

Week by week, maybe even more often if the mood strikes me, I am going to go through my friends list and say what I like about every single person on it. Sometimes it might be heavy, sometimes shallow. I daresay some people (Brandi and Sarah), will get veritable novels. Others will get a quick sentence. It may even get repetitive, since I tend to admire the same things in people. I hope you will forgve me this ahead of time. I also may randomly skip people for various reasons. If I've skipped you, and you feel ripped off (even if we don't communicate ever), comment. I'll totally come up with something.

So let's get started. I'm thinking alphabetical order.

______stimulate-Erik, stop cheating. You have a different livejournal name now.

___discourseof: Jourdan, you're just so damn cool. I miss seeing you in Mrs. Lee's class and talking to you about music and various other things. We used to always say we should hang out, then never do it. I still really want to hang out with you. Seeing you always brightens me up. I like how much I always laughed around you, and how happy I always am when i see you.

__agentorange: Bobby Snively, I will always hate you and love you. Probably about equally. I miss you being my best friend in Mrs. Maurer's class, and all those stupid classroom journal entries I would write about the sexual tension between us. I like how you usually say what you think, even when it makes you seem like an asshole. I also like your hugs.

__tachistoscope: We've never really talked that much, but you've always been nice to me. You seem like a good person.

_lostnfound_, _scarletbegonia: Cami and Maegan, I'm saving you guys for later. I need a little more time to think.

animusconstrued: Sean, you are a lovable bum. I liked the couple hugs, and also drama class. I like how opinionated you can be.

That's it for now. I'm delirious.
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