Lookie lookie at what
Mana_Naz made me! <3333
Isn't it prettyful? *Loves it* She's soooo sweet! She made me my icon too! *Points to it* Thank you Naz-Chan <3 Yu're so awesome!
Oh, also, I wanted to say, that I emailed the owner of
Enchanting Mana because she had what I thought to be some really inaccurate comments about the M10M concert in Paris. I emailed her with my opinions on this, because it kind of upset me, it was saying how M10M really didn't want to play, and that all the fans were horrid and disrespectful, and that Mana-Sama would be really upset about it because we were pretty mean to him..and that there was a lot of people there who even hated Mana! *Is shocked*. Anyways, she's put up my corrections to all of that bad stuff, which is really kind of her, since it wasn't her who said all that terrible stuff (o^_^o) I feel really happy about it....I felt quite sad about those comments earlier ^__^ She seems like a really lovely girl.
Okkkaaaaay! College tomorrow...*falls off her chair* I really, really don't want to go at all....I bet I have a horrid, pointless day...*sniffs* I <3 Easter hoildays.
I feel really ill too...I've been in bed studying English literature all evening....and watching Sailor Moon subs...(o^_^o) Hee hee <333 Now I'm off to check Mon+Amour before bed, and then I'd best go to sleep...*sigh*
Ooohhh....DIR EN GRAY ARE GOING TO BERLIN! I wish I could afford to go but...I spent all my money on Mana-Sama live! *Sigh* Oh well....