Jan 23, 2006 20:59
Soooooooooooooo nathan brower.... you read my journal?! Thast interesting. Your dating someone else and yet your reading MY livejournal and emailing me still?! Your one fucked up bastard. Lets fill everyone in shall we?? You read my journal and take it upon yourself to email me to try and explain things and say "ohhhh I royaly fucked up" and "ohhhhhh i never wished this to happen to you... or us." Heres the best one... "Ohhhhh i only tried cocaine up at western." When Im sitting here KNOWING that is a lie! So your lieing to cover up a lie? Your a funny guy. What kind of person are you, like seirously? You have to be the most selfish, mean, cold hearted person I have ever met. LEAVE ME ALONE and continue to move on. Pleaseeeeee move on to your little rebound girlfriend and fuck her over like you did to me all this time. Please win her heart and her trust and her affection... and then betray her and make her fucking wish you didnt exsist. Hopefully this will get you to STOP reading my shit and to STOP dealing with anything involving me forever.
Have a nice day :)