lizzy, i read that post, and ok, today i met that girl, i always thought that she was all stuck up and urude, but she is not, she is super sweet and awesome, shes not one of those common preps, so please do not judge her for you do not know. im not trying to offend you, just do not instantly hate or dislike someone becasue it is against your favor. i knw that you do have strong feelings for andy, but, hes hapy, and you must make yourself happy, if the world does not go your way, make it your way. and if you feel as if god is not there for you, you are not seeing thoe things taht he does do for you, he gives you life, he gives you friends, and andy, he is your friend, he is there for you, even tho you do not see him as being there. and as for having no one there for you... i have always been here, even tho it seems i havent, i just never see you at school and such. do not judge unless you wish others to put judgement upon you. i had a long extensive talk with brittany, even tho it seems as if she is rude, or she hangs out with preps and seems all stuck up, but she believes in god just like you, she doesnt agree with judging a book by a cover, and if andy likes her, she is right for him, andy knows whats best. dont feel like the world is against you, for that is not so, look to the good in life, make the negative good. NO ONE BUT YOU CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY. so do so. dojt let life get you down, becaseu in the end, its not life getting you down, its you getting yourself down for not getting ahead of life. i love you lizzy, you are a good friend, dont take this all to offense, for i was not intending it in an offending way, just please, do not dweel on things, for some things are not meant to be. make the best, dont let things hurt you, you are in control of your life. NO ONE ELSE. please, look to having better days, have a good weekend
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