anywayss just got home from ca,p last night! super fun ! H2O '08! lol 143 girls! jane - catie-danielle- kelly-alexe- n cat! omg i got the biggest tanline haha & we lived in like a cement hotel that looked like a cave haha but it was fun! =)
noowwwww a survey stolen from leanne
Full name: Lisa
Nicknames: lee,lissy,lisar,liser, sars, lika haha
Sex: Female
Age: 14
Birthday: 3/9/90
Birth place: china
Current residence: pleasanton, California
Zodiac Sign: piceses
Colors: pink,blue,purple, white, silver etc
Animals: puppies & cute animals
Actresses: i dunno
Actors: same
Movies: lots! =)
Computer games: Gunbound
Foods: ooo sooo much good food! lol almost all the stuff
Ice creams: vaniella-cookies n cream- n coffe
Cookies: chocolate chip
Veggies: chili peppers
Fruits: strawberries-watermelon-cherries-peaches& etc!
Candies: LOTS!
Beverages: water! lol & vaniella pepsi, surf city squeeze, jamba juice , & star bucks & other smoothies
Cereals: lots!
Webesites: lj haha
Gum: orbit & bubblelicious
Pizza toppings: pineaplle! cheese
Fast food joints: in n' out!!!=D
Fast food meals: uhh double double or anyother in n out burgers!
Pig out foods: hummm ice cream!
Restaurant: i dunno
Outfits: humm~! thats a hard 1!!! i like all the stuff i got lately plus my shirts from abercrombie n hollister n that shirt from forever21 & my skirts! =)
Stores: humm lots! 4ever21, hollister (sometimes), abercrombie, pac sun, aero & anywhere else w/ cute cloth
Sports: cheer! tumbling, gymnastics!
Athletes: uhhhh
Numbers: 3,9,8,10,12
Letters: i dunno ! A is good lol
Breakfast foods: pancakes n french toasts n fruits!
Lunches: anything yumm~
Dinners: uhhh same! lol
Shampoos: pantene
Magazines: American cheerleader & a bunch of other stuff
Love Life
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
If so, who are they?: --
Do you love them?: ----
How long have you been dating?: ----
Do you have a crush?: hummm i dunno =X
Would you rather be single or taken right now?: humm depends
How many people have you dated this past year?: none
Are you friends with your ex/exes?: ----
Have you ever cheated on someone?:umm no
Have you ever been cheated on?:no
What's the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?:i dunno lol
What do you look for in your ideal mate?: hmm loyalty, devotion, caring-ness,kind-ness, sweet-ness, funny-ness, humm cute-ness =) lol, & uhh humm perferabbly tall haha or at least some 1 taller than like 5'5-5'6
Biggest Turn-ons: humm smile, hair, eyes, PERSONALITY, & etc
Turn-offs: ignorance, rudeness, & umm i dunno
Best quote to sum up love: hmmm
What Did You Do...
Last weekend?: camp at UC irvine!
Yesturday?: umm 6-7 bus ride home & camp
Your last birthday?: uhhh outback
New Years Eve?: uhh cant remeber
Valentines Day?: uhh school?
Easter?: nothing?
4th of July?: pack&clean? & SHOP
Christmas Eve?: uhh reno
Christmas Day?: reno
Nicest: aww they r all nice
Bitchiest: dunno hmm
Prettiest: tessa n jamie? idunno thats wat kristina wants me 2 put! lol u guyz r all pretty!
Hottest?: uhhhh guys! lol humm U guess! lol
Best eyes: tessa
Best hair: jamie, jane or kristina
Biggest tease: dunnooo
Rudest: umm i m not gonna say
Shyest: ehh i dunno no 1 is really shy lol
Loudest: uhh kristina LoL or jennifer
Smartest: erin
Blondest: tessa & kristina
Drama Queen: dunno..
Biggest Flirt: haha umm bobby? lol =P
Tallest: leanne or bobby
Shortest: paulina
Most likely to become a model?: hmmm uhh some1 from cheer?
Most likely to be rich?: hmm i dunno!
Most talented: uhhh erin
Craziest?: hmmm min joon?
Weirdest?: lol u r all weird haha but thats y i love u lol
Biggest Druggie?: no one!=D
Girliest?: anna or jamie
Most likely to be married first?: jamie or kristina or tessa
Most likely to become a serial killer?: min-joon lol or david li
Most caring?: paulina tessa erin n jane
Most independent?: dunno
Most dependent?: dunno
Most trustworthy?: paulina & others
Most likely to go out with you?: idunno? who do u think?kristina thinks 2 ppl but i dunno lol
Best body?: hmm erin or jane or bobby or catie they all have six packs but all the girls hav like no fat lol
Funniest?: i dunno alotz! lol & johnny
Most like you?: uhh i dunno look wise proabbly paulina?
Most fun to be with?: every1!
This or That
Chocolate or Vanilla?: vanilla
Mom or Dad?: both
Blonde or Brunette?: either
Spicy or Minty gum?: minty!
Heaven or Hell?: heaven
Boys or Girls?: both r fun 2 b with
France or England?: uhh either
Cookies or Cake?: cookies & cake
Flower or Candy?: either
Doctors or Dentist?: doctors
Ever Been Called...
Dumb?: uhh yes
Retarted?: haha yea wen i put the brocoli on the spoon wen we were playing spoon lol
Ugly?: probably & most likely
Hot?: uhhhh i dunno probably not unless u count kristina's friend lol
Fat?: uhh yess me n catie r fatties! lol =P but she was kidding so i DUNNO! lol
Anorexic?: uhh sorta they think i m going 2 be anorexic but i would NEVER
A waste of space?: no?
Useless?: i udnno maybe?
Sexy?: yea uh but i m sure they were kidding lol o well w/e
Smelly?: yes by leanne -_______- lol i smelled like sun screen! >.<
A Slut?: um no!
Beautiful?: no? yea i think so
Smart?: i think so?
Quiet?: probably not lol
Boring?: yeah
A Bitch?: no or i dont think so?
Rebel?: no
Conceited?: no
What are you wearing?: shirt n boxers
Who are you talking to?: kristina on the fone, paula, melissa, n christine online
How is the weather?: fine
What are you listening to?: nuthin
What/Who are you thinking about?: ehh ppl
What are you eating/drinking?: ice cream but it melted =(
What are you looking forward to?: uhh cing ppl! =)
What are you dreading?: 2mrw morning & hw >.<
How are you feeling?: uhhh headache
How is your hair?: up
What time is it?: CRAP its 4!
What are you annoyed by?: some people & the things they do =/
What emotion do you feel the most?: tiredness & sleepyness?
What emotion is the best?: happiness & loved?
Worst?: sadness & loneliness
What songs make you cry?: wahh that vitamin c song =(
What movies make you cry?: um sumething really sad
What always cheers you up?: ppl
What make you madder than anything?: i dunno
What hurts you the most?: things & not doing the things ppl want me to do & disappointing my family =/
Which person always makes you happy? alot of ppl or quite a few at least
Are you a really emotional person?: i dunno maybe?
What do you do when you're depressed?: long shower + fone + crying + shopping?
What song do you think was written about your life?: uhh dunno
When Was The Last Time You..
Farted?: dunno
Burped?: uh 15 mins ago
Went to the movies?: uhh i dunno like a week or 2 ago?
Went out to eat?: the night b4 last night
Cried?: uhh i dunno
Threw up?: umm yesterday >.<
Peed?: 5 mins ago lol
Went skating?: um a LONG time Went for a walk?: last week
Ate ice cream?: uh 10 mins ago
Got into a fight?: eh a while ago
3 things you enjoy doing
1. talking on the fone
2. hanging with my friends & sometimes family
3. shopping n cheering n tumbling
3 things you want to try
1. twist cradle n lib
2. snowboarding
3. driving
3 people you love
1. my family
2. my friends
3. and hmm =/ =X
3 foods you are addicted to
1. uh azn food
2. in n out
3. candy/fruits
3 things you hate
1. mean ppl
2. racism
3. idiots
3 shows you watched when you were little
1. sailor moon!
2. & uhhh other cartoons
3. carebears
3 things you regret
1.humm quite a few
3 songs that you love
1. i dunno
3 things you always say
1. uhh i dunno
2. lol
3. uhh?
3 things you are looking forward to
1. comp cheer?
2. no more summer school
3. having fun & johnny n tessa coming bak
3 things you like about yourself
1. ummm
2. i
3. dunno
3 things you dislike about yourself
1.uhh my almost double chin =((
2.dry skin
3.fat looking ness
3 things that describe your personality
1. hyper
2.uhh caring?
3 things that describe your looks
1.umm i dunno
3 things that scare you
1. insects >.<
2. failure =(
3. & etc
3 wishes
1. to be happy & loved & pretty =/ lol
2. 4 every1 i love to be happy and safe & hav a good life
3. to be successful& make every1 happy
3 jobs you wouldn't mind having for a living
1. pharmacist
2. doctor
3. designer or nething else w/ good salary lol =P
3 favorite bands
1. uh
Which One Are You?:
Super hero: uhh dunoo
Powerpuff girl: bubbles
Rugrat: tommy or kimi
Carebear: cheerbear & love-a-lot bear
Teenage Mutan Ninja Turtle: uhh dunno
Crayon color: pink?
Do you do drugs?: no and i will NEVER do them!!!Do you have a metal disablity?: no
Are you on any medication for any type of disorder?: no
Do you or have you ever had an eating disorder?: no
What kinds of illnesses run in your family?: none
Who was the last person you...
Talked to?: my sis in person & kristina on the fone
Yelled at?: cant remeber
Higged?: uhhh catie?
Went out to eat with?: frosh cheer!
Flirted with?: um..
Talked to on the phone?: kristina
IMed?: paula
E-Mail?: uh no1?
Got flowers from?: katie
Danced with?: av cheerleaders lol on the bus! PARTAAYY!
Fought with?: eh dunno
Worried about?: hmm ppl..
Wanted to kill?: no1
Cried over?:i dunno =/ hmmm =X
Thought about?: ppl...
Are you...
Understanding?: yes
Pretty?: eh probably not
Nice?: yes unless i hate u lol
A bitch?: wen i need to be i will be >=O lol jk
Hard to get?: =/
Confident?: eh not really?
Depressed?: no
Hyper?: yes!
Popular?: uhh i dunno & i dont care
Friendly?: Sure!
Sexy?: uhhh probably not?
Hungry?: no
Original?: uhhh i dunno
Shy?: sometimes =/
Emotional?: sometimes
Messy?: sadly yes
Arrogant?: i hope not
Immature?: someitmes?
Sad?: not at the moment
Trusting?: yes
Healthy?: yes
Sleepy?: YES!
Lonely?: yea =?
Independent?: i think so
Romantic?: yea. lol