2007 is OVER
In 2007, did you...
fall in love with someone that was just a friend?: no
fall in love at all?: no
lose any friends?: yea
make any new friends?: yea
make any new enemies?: yes...those bitches
develop any new hobbies?: I can think of one ya
get older?: of course...with each passing year
do anything you regret?: of course...I do something I regret almost everyday
go to any parties?: yes....best one was Christmas day at Starla's
accomplish anything?: no....school work....thats it. I accomplished 5 A's and a B
make much money?: nope damn taxes...and bills
attend a wedding?: no
attend a funeral?: no
get any new family members?: yes a couple...the Daly's
move away?: yes to Flagler Beach
gain any new perspectives?: ya
get into a verbal fight?: yes....actually got into one about 5 minutes ago
get into a physical fight?: not lately...but ya
attend any sporting events?: none that I can think of
get arrested?: nope
wreck your car?: nope
get a new car?: in the process
make any big purchases?: ya...a laptop
get kicked out of a store, restaurant or any other kind of business?: nope
get fired from a job?: nope
get offered a job?: nope
get a raise at a job?: yep but not much
learn anything?: nope....jk I did but nothing worth repeating
dump your bf/gf?: i dn
get dumped by your bf/gf?: i dn
develop any new health problems?: yep
change as a person?: yes
get any new piercings?: nope
get any new tattoos?: yep one more tattoo on my ankle
attend a concert?: nope
crowd surf?: nope
travel out of state?: yes out of the country as well
read any books?: ya school related books
travel out of the country?: yes
spend much money?: ya on bills and christmas gifts
download any music?: of course!
try out any new looks?: nope
sign up for a myspace?: nope
sign up for a facebook?: nw
eat a food that you had never eaten before?: i dn
go golfing?: no I hate golfing
go bowling?: I think so
go to many parties?: yep
start to resent something or someone that you used to like?: ya recently found out someone close to me was a bitch
In 2007, how many....
different places did you work?: 1 the barrel
times did you go out drinking?: ummm...lets just say a couple
times did you smoke marijuana?: zero
drugs did you take?: none
times did you have health problems?: alot...damn amemia and heart
times did you go to the movies?: twice I think....to see Pirates 3 and The third Rush Hour movie
concerts did you attend?: none
people did you make out with?: umm....again lets just say a couple..lol
people did you have sex with?:
people tried to have sex with you?: 2-3
times did you get your ass kicked?: none
crushes did you have?:
times did you attend church?: almost every sunday
bad habits did you pick up?: a couple...Wine drinking is a new one
famous people did you meet?: none
In 2007, what was?
your favorite day of the year?: Christmas day
your favorite band?: Lifehouse
your least favorite day of the year?: I DN
your favorite movie?: i dn...Pirates of the Carribean 3?
your favorite song of the year?: Everything by Lifehouse
the most expensive thing you stole?: i haven't stolen anything
the biggest event you attended?: Christmas Day party
something that didn't change at all this year?: my health
your favorite holiday?: Christmas and my b-day
Misc. questions about 2007
were you in a hospital this year?: i dont think so
were you in an ambulance this year?: nope
did you make any big confessions in 06?: yes a couple got me in some serious trouble
did you make friends with anyone of the opposite sex that you love but only: huh?
embarrassed about anything you did this year?: ya..being drunk in front of my mom and brothers
what's the best thing to happen to you this year?: Gaining new family
did you meet anyone that you could see yourself marrying:
did anyone you have no feelings for confess to having feelings for you?: ya....Juan from the barrel
did you vote this year?: yes
did you bring sexy back this year?: no...lol....come on this is me we are talking about
was 2007 a great year, an average year or a bad year?: bad I guess...or average depends on how u look at it.
what goals did you set for 2008?: Better health, better attitude, more fun.
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