you're parents were lucky with you. you're sweet.
innocent. helpful. and cute.
what kind of child were you?(brought you by
I Am The Sex Toy:
Knowledge: So I might not be the first sex toy on everyones mind, but lets be honest about where sexual power really comes from.
Find out what sex toy you are. My Favorite Male Part Is:
The Back: Behind every good man is a good back.
Ignore the whip scars...
Find out your favorite male body part! What magazine am I?
I am Book: There is nothing better then the written word. Nothing engrosses me more then a masterpiece on paper. If you want to watch COPS you can always dig my TV out of the dumpster.
What magazine am I? I Am The 3rd Party:
The Green Party of The United States: There are actually two American Green Parties; you and your more socialist cousin. Ralph Nader chose you. Your original intent was to defend the enviroment but you soon started using it as an excuse to attack social groups that you have personal dislikes towards. You tend to ignore scientific evidence if it disagrees with your agenda.
Find out what 3rd party you are!