Jul 29, 2004 22:03
I love StEpHaNiE lUiSa
She needsa PiAmp lol. she's ova, were going to orientation together tommorow SUCH FUN! and I WENT SHOPPING AGAIN and got a TON of things!
Hey its STEPHANIE now
so i just came over, b/c my parents work during the day, and they cant take me 2 orientation, so jessica 2 the rescue! haha! and i have basically nothing 2 say!wow! oh but i went 2 go c a cinderella story twice! it was so... sweet! i loved it! and im completely infatuated with chad michael murray (but ah, who isnt) hes engaged tho GOOD 4 him! so were going 2 orientation 2morrow early, so we can get some good lockers-oh and kaydee has 2 be there early 2 so, yea i love kaydee, i love jessie, i love this whole family, i even love guss and bugs! haha. theyre like my OTHER family..so ill talk 2 u ppl later....im out...
xoxo Stephanie
P.S. i love my mammy, pappy, Kasey, y Evelyn, I love u 2 megan and kayla...HAHA