Re: DEFINE YOURSELF.cheepnoodlesMarch 2 2005, 21:54:51 UTC
and now you attack were it hurts the most... when i asked people "define this" i don't know if i put in there something about "Information is not knowledge." i like that you can know alot of this and still it dosen't mean a god dam thing... understanding that give you the ability to let other people make there own fucking mistakes... did you know that i thought i knew everything? did you know that i really wanted to fix the world? did you know that i had all the asnwers? did you know that i could do anything that i wanted to do? did you know that i would do anything was to prove someone wrong? did you know that i fucked with people because i was proving myself and not because i wanted to? did you know that i didn't know that i was hurting the people i loved the most? oh did you know that i know that you didn't know all of this? did you know that if i told you all of this you wouldn't belive me? did you know that mabe one day you would know and then you would say that you didn't know? well i'm telling you know. are you going to not know? knowing things dont mean anything unless you know what to do with it. did you know that i just might be wrong in knowing what i'm sure that i know? can you hold it agenst me? now... you know about a lot more shit then kristen... who gives a fuck... thats not the point... think hunny... trying to be a hardcore bitch online much be really hard for you now aint it?... i know a lot more about you then you'd care to admit to... think hunny. if you can say this to her. what can i say to you. should i really rip you apart? what might it solve. re-read this. please. even though it might piss you off. you can know peoples weakness... but dose that really tell you who they are? i dont knwo you. but i know all about you. think about it.
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