The List = Hil <333

Apr 23, 2007 19:51

ok so let me see if I remember everything that went on yesterday, I'll try not to leave out anything. Unfortunately Hil wasn't there and I probably wouldn't remember anything if she had been because I would have gone into a zone. But even if she wasn't there :/ everyone was talking about her, which I thought how AWESOME and maybe even a blessing in desguise because the things that people said only served to strengthen my admiration for her :D

So, yesterday I went to the Film Festival to see The List. It was showing at 6:45 pm and my friend and I got there at 5:30pm :D When we got there of course no one was there except for 3 people, they were talking and so we just hung out there in the lobby with them. After about 10 minutes I started looking at one of the guys that was there and I realized it was Chuck Carrington. He has a shag now, like really surfer dude and he was wearing jeans and a black leather jacket with a grey shirt/blueish shirt.!!!! Such fine features. So I went up to him and asked him if he was from The List and he said "I sure I'm". JACKPOT!! Of course the first words out of my mouth was "OMG" He laughed and was about to say something else but I interrupted him and asked "Is Hil coming? Where's Hil?" he said "awww, no she is not going to be here tonight." He said "I talked to her and she felt really bad that she couldn't make it out tonight but something came up in Charlotte and she couldn't fly out" I said "Oh no no no" and he saw that I was really disappointed. He asked me if I was a fan of hers and I said that I was a huge fan of hers and that I really wanted to see her. He then went on "she is so great, she's a very good person. I loved working with her, she's a very easy going person." So I was back to smiling and then I asked if I could take a picture with him and he said of course. So we posed and my friends camera is crap and wouldn't take the picture, we posed a second time and he said "Ok smile, this one's for Hilarie". :D So afterwards it was still my friend and I in the lobby with Chuck and the 2 people he was hanging out with, which later I found out was Robert Whitlow, author of the book and his wife. And I got to thinking what a perfect chance to have met her that would have been because we were literally in that lobby for about 45 minutes before anyone else came in. *sigh* Ok so anyways I looked at my booklet and I found the poster of the movie and I once again went up to Chuck and apologized for bothering him again but if he could sign my booklet, he was very nice and said "oh no, not a problem." Then he proceeded to tell Mr. and Mrs. Whitlow that I was a Hilarie fan. And it was like opening a can of worms. Both author and wife proceeded to indulge me with great Hilarie praises. Mrs. Whitlow said she is a wonderful young actress "oh she's great, she's so great" she would say and Robert Whitlow agreed with her everytime. "She is stunning in this movie" she said...."SHE POPS! She just POPS in this movie." they both said, "If you are her fan then you will love her in this movie" I said "I'm sure I will, she can do no wrong." They were so friendly and we kept talking about Wilmington, I said that I went up last fall and I was on set and met the cast and everyone up there was so friendly and nice. They nodded in agreement. Meanwhile Chuck is mocking me because I had said at the begining when he told me that it was infact him, that it had taken me a minute to recognize him because of his shag. So as he was signing my booklet he said "well no wonder you didn't recognize me, my hair was so different..but don't I look handsome in that picture" I said that he did but that I liked the way he was working his shag. Afterwards we went in to be seated, about 5 minutes before the movie started in comes Malcolm Macdowel and ends up sitting about two seats away from me. I was in the left wing and he was in the center and only the aisle seperated us. The cast was introduced Chuck, Malcolm, Will Patton. The author and his wife Mr. and Mrs. Whitlow and the director of the movie Gary Wheeler. Gary asked if their were any Hilarie fans, Chucked looked at me and I smiled and clapped along with a few other people. Gary mentioned that some people had actually flown in to see Hilarie :/ Malcolm said "well, you are shit out of luck because she's not here" Gary laughed and said "yea Malcolm is upset Hilarie is not here, they have a love/hate relationship" Malcolm said that he had come because of Hilarie and he screamed out "I love that girl, but when I see that girl I'm gonna slap her with a cold fish" It was quite commical. Gary went on to say how she was so great in that movie etc. The movie started and the great thing was that I could here all of Malcolms comments. The first time Hilarie is onscreen she's actually kneeling at a graveyard. I totally had a Peyton flashback for a while because throught the movie she does infact go to that gravesite a few times. But anyways when she first comes in she looks absolutely gorgeous and Malcolm in a very serious voice just took a beat and said "She is such a great actress. She is so good" That coming from one of the most well known actors of our time means alot. <3 And IA she was pretty awesome in the movie. Physically she was stunning, and I loved all her outfits. Her role was subtle enough and does not overbear the movie but she is a constant presence in it. In one of the scenes she's at the hospital and their is a close up of her and Malcolm screamed out "wow what great lips" :P Oh talking about lips she does alot of that biting thing she does. Too cute. My favorite scene was a part where she goes into this little prayer room, not a confessional .....a prayer room and there is a smokey blueish light shining through the stained glass and she's praying and softly crying a little bit....ugh it was pretty. No words it's just very silent scene but the camera stays with her in a profile view for about 2 minutes while she processes those emotions and I thought that was SO BEAUTIFULLY done. I won't go into the movie because I don't want to spoil anyone but I gave it a 4 out of a possible 5. It was really good and I thought Chuck really carried this movie and did a phenomenal job, Hilarie was the iceing on the cake. She added so much color and warmth emotion to the movie. :D The Whitlow's were right she is stunning and she really does "POP!" After we watched the movie we had a Q&A. The cast stood up there and talked about their roles and the movie. Gary egged Chuck to talk about how he got the role. Chuck was in L.A. and he went into Starbucks to get his coffee and at the table were these two guys talking with a script on the table. Chuck walked over and said "'s there a role for me in there" and the two guys turned out to be Gary and the screen writer os the movie. Gary said "well, the only role that you would be good for because of your age would be the lead" Chuck then smiled and said " what's the problem" :D They talked and he auditioned and he got the role. Those kinds of things only happen in L.A. i swear. and Malcolm went on to say how great he thought Hil was in the movie. He said "well in my personal opinion she is so good, she doesn't belong in the small screen....this girl belongs on the big screen. I mean you can't take your eyes away from her." Then Gary mentioned Malcolm's comment about Hils lips. He said "It's true, she has beautiful lips!" :P

So like I said, the movie was great and I really was very disappointed that she didn't make it, but I didn't stop smiling the whole night...the fact that she wasn't there made everyone miss her and talk about her and how they all wanted to see her. I thought that was awesome and it says SO MUCH about her as a person that her co-workers were all bommed that she didn't make it to last nights showing. It really shows how much people love her. That made me feel really great, that someone I admire so much is so geniuenly loved by those around her. Hil is L O V E. EEK!!<3

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