[Voice of My Heart] Chapter Eleven

Apr 02, 2011 21:43

 Title: Can You Smile to the Voice of my Heart?
Author: Cheeky Lollipop a.k.a. Ice Chi
Rating: PG-13. :D I still fail at ratings, k?
Pairing: Sungyeol x OC, slightly hinted Myungyeol. HAHAHA.
Starring: Lee Sungyeol, Park Miyoung (OC), Kim Myungsoo, INFINITE
Summary: Swan Lake opens a lot of doors for friendship…And perhaps love?
Genre: Drama+ Comedy+ Fluffy Romance
Status: Two-part Fic.

Chapter Eleven

Miyoung sped off. Just like that. He really didn’t mean to act so brash in front of her, he didn’t even want to see her today for heaven’s sake. He didn’t expect that he would run in to her by the road, walking so slow and looking like she needed a ride. But then she started walking faster. Then she ran. He had no idea why he even chased after her. Rolled his window down and grabbed her arm just to talk to her. Wouldn’t it just add to his ache?

Worse, Tutu just nodded at him and sped off. The girl can be fast when she wanted to.

With a heart heavier than it was the moment he woke up, he drove. He saw her silhouette fade into the peculiar spring fog, running and skipping with all her might. Running away. From him. And that thought almost made his heart shatter yet again to a million bloody pieces.

Sparkling University was still as quiet as ever, and Sungyeol was starting to crave the hustle and bustle of its seasonal performance weeks. It was their “semi-season break”, a term the school concocted for that one month where nothing really happened. Classes were a breeze, teachers gave the lightest load, an practice wasn’t a requirement. It was their breather from every three-month season and most of the students wished it would just stay that way.

Sungyeol used to be one of those students. He may be a piano genius, but he wasn’t exactly a model student. Without his seasonally sold-out concertos and recitals, his grades would totally be streaked with multiple Fs. He used to enjoy those season breaks. Last season was the most hectic for him so far, especially when he was assigned to that bratty ballerina along with his biggest Piano Concerto.

The same bratty ballerina that was making him wish that the break was over. So he could glue himself to his piano. So that he could drown this hurt he felt in his heart in piano melodies. School was becoming a drag for him. It was hard to put on a smile when all you wanted to do was cry and sulk. But he can’t. He had an image to protect. Two images, specifically, his and Miyoung’s.

Why did he even bother? That bratty kid threw his heart into a blender and slammed “ozterize”. And as if that wasn’t enough, she threw in his existence and their memories with it. Therefore creating a fool’s heartshake. So why did he even care so much about Park Miyoung’s welfare? About her image? After all the hurt she gave him was enough reason to stand in Sparkling’s lobby and cry his heart out.

Yeah, why shouldn’t he just do that? He wasn’t called Actor Lee for nothing. He would just walk into the middle of Sparkling’s lobby, dazed, then kneel and cry and shout to the heavens. And when people start to ask, he could just put the blame on Miyoung-which wasn’t a lie, of course. She was the cause of all the misery he was going through right now. And then, they would all pity him and hug him and label Miss Mimi as a witch…

But he could never do something like that to Tutu. Image is synonymous to your status in Sparkling. After his planned breakdown, a slippery slope of bad image ruckus will surely happen to Miyoung. The drama committee, the one in-charge of staging plays and ballets in school, stood strongly for romanticism and a heart breaker would be a no-no for them. The dance committee, as bitchy as they can be, would completely turn their rage on a heartbreaker. Don’t even get him started on the Percussion Ensemble. Those guys will always be by him. Add Myungsoo’s rage to the equation and Miyoung will surely be pushed to her limits and would soon file a University transfer.

And he doesn’t want that.

So, he just kept to himself. He put on that fake smile and still joked around, making the school oblivious to the repetitive cracking and breaking of his bloody heart. Classes went on lightly, it was the break and he could do nothing about it.

Today, the electives ended earlier than usual, leading to some ample free time to do…Stuff. Normally, if it wasn't the break, he would go to the top floor’s music room and play the grand piano’s black and white keys to his heart’s content. But the music room were closed, he didn’t want to bribe the monitor for an opening and he just didn’t feel like playing anything.

So he decided to just go home and do his ritual sulking again. Sigh.

On the way to the lockers where he was going to leave his books and notes-nothing was going to be studied for anyway, that was how the break was-he saw a familiar figure along his locker line. That ebony black hair and baby blue sweat shirt was hard to miss. Park Miyoung.

He kept seeing her this day, huh?

And yet again, as if he didn’t have any control over his body, he casually strode over to the girl.

“Yo, Tutu!” he greeted, his voice a crappy rendition of one of his friend’s, Jang Dongwoo. “How’s it going?”

His banter was only returned with a stare from those emerald green eyes. Miyoung’s face was streaked with a mixture of shock, annoyance and…Something he couldn’t decode. He couldn’t say a single word after.

“Bye.” Miyoung bid, leaving the childish giant to his misery. He couldn’t even get himself to call out and stop her.

What is wrong with me, anyway?

sungyeol, oc, fanfic, romance, infinite

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