Flower Shopping

Aug 05, 2008 10:06

On Saturday early in the morning Sharon, Les and myself went to Blueball, PA to a flower an craft warehouse. Our mission to select and buy flowers for thier wedding. Fake flowers seem to be the way alot of people are going these days. I can understand it it's less expensive, more creative and you can always have a centerpeice for your home or keep your bridal bouquet forever.

One aisle among many.

Sharon checking the store Map, yes I said map!

Love in aisle 8.


4 hours and 3 carts later.


There was a yard sale for a mile down the main road.

Farm Stand.

Amish Transport.

Windmill Family Restaruant.

The inside had lots of bric-a-brac.

Then my battery died so that was the end of my photo taking for the day.

blue ball, wedding flowers, windmill, pa

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