I'm in such a foul mood tonight! Sometimes I hate people, they just let you down...blah fuck and all the rest of it...
But good news is that my laptop has been fixed; one of my mum's parents fixed it and had to actually take it apart and replace a chip that has burnt or something...but it's all fixed now and I've spent the most of tonight restoring it and adding programs and stuff. So I can now browse the net from in bed again! :p
Good news is also that I finished my Christmas shopping and was bought the Doctor Who boxset. Was out pretty much all yesterday and today, but my mum and dad still need to do last minute things tomorrow, whilst I can stay in bed :p
I know I'm pretty much broke until January, but
play.com have already started their January sale...must resist...
Ooh...David Tennant has just been on Jonathan Ross, and I luff him even more now...such a cutie, and I want a Tennant!Doctor doll! But can't wait for Christmas Invasion on Christmas Day!! :)
Hopefully I'll have calmed down and have a better today tomorrow.