Have got to be quick cos I need to help my mum clean out the guinea pigs, which has become chaotic really cos Pop's had the snip and Pip might be pregnant and they have to be kept separate and argh...but at least we have two cages now and they're not on the floor!!
Haven't been able to update cos my computer, like the rest of my stuff, is scattered all around the house, cos my room is being decorated, and I'm sleeping in my mum's room and am going stir crazy. Doesn't help that I'm out the house 12 hours a day, travelling for almost 4 hours of that time!! I'm working at an Eating Disorder Unit which is really interesting, but hard cos it's hard to get the girls to trust me cos I'm new.
Read HBP and OMFG!! Grrrrr...but now I'm waiting for GOF film which I am so excited about, especially Ralph and the whole "Bow to death Harry!" *fangirl squeal*
It's my birthday tomorrow, my 21st, and cos I'm so busy it doesn't feel like it at all, but I'm getting my new computer on Saturday so I'm more excited about that actually! But eek 21...and thanks to
angelique24 for her card, even though I've been good and not opened it yet!!
Right better run...