
Mar 06, 2012 07:40

Apologies.....Sorry I haven't been around ...for a long time. Personal life is all consuming right now, plus I've been starting a new venture and it's taken over my life a little. Everything has taken a back seat, including my writing but I still am working on 'Rag Doll' so have no fear, it's just taking longer than normal to get time to write.

Here's the thing, I started making jewellery, just for myself initially but it's taken off big time and it's proving very, very profitable. I'm starting to do Craft Fairs and Festivals and it's all jolly exciting. I use real gemstones ..not synthetic crap and it's very popular. I've even got a little ol' Facebook page now. So pottle along and take a look if only to critique my stuff! ;)


I hope you are all well, and I made a promise to mel39 that I'd be around more and I'll darn well pull my socks up and come over here more often.

Love you and I miss you chaps, so....*group hugs*



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