Jun 06, 2006 18:27
I spent today at the pool with two of my best friends from high school, I've missed and hardly seen since transferring from tech. So we caught up, in all the adult ways: what are you doing with your life now? What grad schools are you looking at? and all the girly ways: Are you datign anyone? Who? what are they like?
And for the later the final question was always "do you love them"?
Both my dear friends were in relationships going on 2 years, where they didn't 'love' the other person. Either they said it, and it was really just words, or they didn't say it at all. BUT they still both cared for the other person greatly...but it wasn't love.
And I was just thinking thats not for me. And its never going to be for me. I am not looking for a relationship to be the end all and be all. I have big plans, and big dreams and settling down is not an option for a long while. But I couldn't date someone for that long if I didnt 'love' them. Its exhausting caring for someone, belonging to another person, knowing all thier ins and outs, becoming connected with thier family and friends. But if you 'love' them its nothing but fun. Thats the kind of fun I've always wanted, thats the kind of fun I want. Thats what makes being in a relationship that long worthwhile.
But it hurts so badly that its gone, when you cared so deeply. When that 'love-fun' is gone....