movie meme swiped from midwifemama

Dec 06, 2005 19:12

Action film: Im a sucker for Arnold Schwarzenegger movies. *cheesy grin* I dunno, does Lost Boys count as an action?
Tear-jerker: Schindlers list, or What dreams may come.
Romance: Bram Stokers Dracula. and YES, it IS a romance.
Comedy: Bowling for Columbine, and yes, it IS a comedy.
Drama: Magnolia, Trainspotting, What Dreams may dramas.
Foreign film: Leon, or La Femme Nikita.
Fantasy: What Dreams may come, Interview with A Vampire, too many others, I LOVE fantasy movies.
Science fiction: Starship Troopers was righteous, I also LOVE all the Star Wars movies.
Documentary: The Decline of the Western Civilization, both parts.
Based on novel: The Green Mile, The Stand, Any Stephen King.
Epic: Kill Bill, both volumes. Hands down. Ditto
Based on a true story: Boys Don't Cry, Gia, Schindlers List
Horror/thriller: The Ring, any number of vampire movies.
Tragedy: Romeo + Juliet. The new version.
Crime: Seven
Cult Favourite: Pink Floyd, The wall, or Wizards.
Animated: The Lion King
Western: Young Guns 2. *drooolllsssssskiefersutherlandmmmmm*
War: Schindlers List
Musical: Moulin Rouge


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