
Jan 04, 2007 03:23

Every so often I wonder to myself why I never update anymore. Possibly because I so rarely have the time, possibly because I don't currently have much to say, but most probably because I am a lazy shit.

Well, the time constraint is going to be eased a little, with the news that my timetable has been re-arranged for Semester B. I am currently timetabled to be in Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. Wait, let me check this .... TWO DAYS OFF? That is pretty cool, and makes me once again wonder how University students can possibly complain about hard work. Sure, there is stuff to do, but when your assignments are stuff like "Make a videogame", or "Take some photos" (for which I got a 70), you can not genuinely have a grievance about the stress of it all.

The lil fellah will still take up many of my waking hours, of course. You know, I had forgotten just how amazing a thing a newborn can be. Benjie breaks out into a massive smile the first time he sees me every day, and my heart just implodes every single time I see it. No matter how down I feel, I just look at him, and it all goes away. He may well enjoy the ocassional cry, especially at night, but I totally forgive him when I see those chubby cheeks fill out, and those bright eyes light up.

Lately, I have been playing games for fun again. Gears of War is simply STUNNING, and I finished the campaign on casual difficulty earlier tonight. Decided to try insane difficulty, and decided that it is very aptly named. Methinks I will be taking Jon up on his offer to co-op for that one. I'll even be Dom, who is THE most annoying AI partner I have ever had the misfortune to have to carry through a game in my life. The online portion of the game is also really fun. In my first game, I teamed with three guys who were as useless as me, and we were against some well-organised and hardcore players. It was STILL enjoyable, even though we were getting our arses handed to us in pieces, courtesy of the chainsaw bayonet that OneShot187 was totally in love with. I though that nothing would top Dead Rising, but I was mistaken. Capcoms game is a masterpiece, but Gears of War is a step beyond even that.

Another game I have put the hours into has been Phantasy Star Universe, which has turned out to be everything I hoped it would be and more. Sadly, time has been limited over the last week or so, due to having family staying here, and us staying in London, and us going to Cheshire later. But, rest assured regular party, everything will be back to normal soon! We need to get strong enough to try some S runs, and I need to decide between fortetecher and wartecher!

I guess this is part of the problem. Since I am now a Games student, I have to spend even more time with games than I used to. I mean, not just playing them, but getting more in-depth. Studying them, learning them, breaking them down, and finding out what makes a good one so that I can make my own good ones. Also, finding out why bad games are bad. Getting properly academic about a subject I am already very immersed in. Odd really, that in a class of games students, I am still possibly the most hardcore gamehead in the room. We had a retro games quiz instead of a lecture on the last day before Xmas, and nobody was surprised when I won. To be fair, I played a lot of the games first time round, whereas some of the other guys hadn't even heard of them. But, I am not the oldest in the class, and I beat the guy who is 2 years my senior, too! For my trouble, I won a whole bagfull of crap, but I shared it out amongst the class, keeping only the Rare keyring.

So, in summary :

Life good. Benjie good. University good. Games good.

See why I don't bother writing anymore?
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