(no subject)

Jan 01, 2005 17:33

1 MINUTE AGO: thinking about having a shower
1 HOUR AGO: was in dreamland
1 DAY AGO: missing my gf coz she was at her stupid work!
1 WEEK AGO: cant remember!
1 YEAR AGO: still in bed wayyyy hungover from NEW YEARS EVE!
1 YEAR FROM NOW: wanna be living in a bigger place, maybe thought about buying *scary* and all happy like with my now gf!
1 WEEK FROM NOW: dunno, i dont make plans.. Live each day as it comes i say! lol
1 DAY FROM NOW: probably in bed with my gf because we plan on having a really really big fun night tonight doing who knows!!
1 HOUR FROM NOW: cleaning the house so my gf can come home to a nice clean house!
1 MINUTE FROM NOW: probably on the toilet, i need to go! lmao

I HURT: when i fall over!
I LOVE: Ciaran, Pheonix and my neice and nephews!
I HATE: game players!
I FEAR: death and being alone when im old
I HOPE: my gf finishes work early
I FEEL: like i need a shower!
I HIDE: alot of things... I dont open up very easily at all.
I LEARNED: alot of things in the past few years...
I NEED: to communicate better!
I THINK: way too much!
I DREAM: when I sleep!
I WANT: an ipod!
I MISS: my gf

First best friend: uuuh Becky, we were friends all through primary school.. Such dykes we were! hehe
First car: Nissan something.. oh it was very ugly!
First date: I dont date.. lol
First real kiss: ummm in grade 6 with Michael, awwww i thought i was going to marry him. He was my boyfriend thru primary! lol
First break-up: umm Michael in grade 6, oh we were on again off again all thru school..lol My best friend and I fought over him alot!
First job: kfc i think.
First self purchased album: omg I can't think wayy back then!
First pets: pooey the cat.. Pooey? seriously who names their cat that!
First piercing/tattoo: tattoo an ugly piece on my shoulder as soon as i turned 18... ummm first piercing was my nose.. and there has been a whole lot more since!
First credit card: i just got one this year, but it only had like a grand on it!! thankk god!
First true love: Michael.. hehe
First enemy: ummmm Oh this boy Leonard in Grade 6, i cant remember what he did to me but i do remember attacking him on the oval in front of all his friends and pinnin him down and getting into him.. I was soo proud of myself.. and he was sooo embarrassed!
First big trip: America on my own when I was 18!
First play/musical/performance: I was a kookaburra in some big school play. Oh how talented I am!
Last cigarette: yuck! I dont smoke!
Last good cry: Boxing day night...
Last phone call: To Ciaran this afternoon.
Last TV show watched: the fireworks last night.
Last time showered: Yesterday! oh how dirty, im going to have one after this tho!
Last shoes worn: mooks thongs
Last CD played: The Butchies.
Last item bought: food yesterday.
Last annoyance: My gf's work is really pissing me off!
Last ice cream eaten: hardly eat ice-cream but i was craving a almond magnum yesterday!
Last soda drank: Pepsi LIGHT.
Last shirt worn: am wearing my red power ranger tshirt atm!!
Last web site visited: d'uh!
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