another day in the life of me.....

May 22, 2004 17:36

well yet another pretty un-eventful day for me... I worked this morning, and grrr was on my own.. really not a good thing considering im around lotsa sleazy truck drivers.. oo what fun! so worked for 2 hours, then went for breakfast... was thinking bout how much i would love to curl up and go to sleep... but i got home and went online... im turning into a livejournal junkie i think! So played around online for a while.. then decided to go to the football because i knew my lil nephews would be there and i get to see them.. awww they are too cute, i took some pics of me and my lil nephew with my camera phone! whatta cutie he is! i kicked the football around for ages, jarred my finger which hurts.. ooww.. and bruised my foot badly because the football was super rock hard... lol.. so i have a swollen left foot.. ha! oh well im tuff, i'll get over it! and now im home... Think i might go have a little nap before i head out to see a band tonight and maybe go out after that... who knows.. but anyways that was my lil rant for the day... nothing too exciting, but i did get to see my lil nephews and i loveeeeeee kiddies! hehe.. well till next time.... take care all.. if any that are reading.. xox!
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