And now for something completely different...

May 15, 2006 09:53

An update!

(I'm pretty sure I've used that subject line before... and followed it with "an update" in the same way. So technically, it's not something completely different.)

Life carries on much the same as it has been for the last few months. This is our final week with the 2006 Shakespeare Festival. We close on Sunday, followed by a potluck barbeque at Damon (Don Pedro/Antonio)'s house. I'm very excited, especially to hang out with his pug, Humphrey... who sings. Dogs who sing. Awesome.

Today I'm officially over the Worst Hangover in History. I actually think I might need to e-mail my stage manager and apologize for being completely useless at work yesterday. Each time I stood up from the couch, I did my quick changes/prop handoffs and then threw up. It was quite fun. Normally, I never would have gotten that drunk, but these were special circumstances.

Saturday night was the Shakespeare Fest's Wine Auction. A very wealthy and generous man, named Joe Somethingorother, donates his house, a tent, catering, and a chunk of his EXTREMELY impressive wine cellar to be auctioned off. The proceeds benefit the theatre and the "proceeds" were quite impressive themselves. One case of wine went for $5200, others were in the 1K-4K range. Chances are, we made a bundle. After our performance (that I stage managed) and the auction, the REAL party began. If I had known that, I never would have had 3 glasses of the NICE wine they were serving with dinner. I would have held out for the UNBELIEVABLE wine they reserved for the after party.

The actors were getting dressed in the guest house, underneath which was a wine cellar. It was beautiful and probably the size of my apartment. I was impressed. One of Joe's friends came in and said "He calls this one the `mini'." To which I responded... "Where's the MAXI?" Turns out there is a second wine cellar that runs, like catacombs, under the length of this mans giant house. And THAT'S where the after party was. We explore the wine cellar (bottles from the 1800's... what?!), get a private tour of the garage (where I proceeded to hop into the right sided, tan leather, drivers seat of his 1960-something Aston Martin and roll around in slightly inappropriate ecstasy), drink wine that he just grabs off of one of the wine cellar shelves, and smoke cuban cigars. RED FLAG: Never give a smoker a strong, cuban cigar. I have no idea how to smoke it. As a result... on the way home, I pretty much blacked out and relied on Davy to tell John to pull over every 3 miles or so so I could throw up PROFUSELY. I have a new nickname at the theatre... Little Patty Pukes a Lot. I love actors. But really folks... when in my life am I ever going to have another opportunity like that?

In other news, I'm waiting to hear back from the Wilma Theater regarding their Stage Management Fellowship. Everyone say prayers or think good thoughts, whatever it is that you do. I'll be SM'ing Two Gentlemen of Verona this summer at Philly Shakes (pay raise, woot) and directing my Fringe Show.

Life ain't bad.
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