Aug 25, 2005 08:24
So here I am. Tucked up in bed with my bedroom window open a tidgey widgey bit listening to the HARD rain hitting my car roof and bouncing straight off. Isn't it great!? but not for the poor peeps thata re standing at the bus stops with their umbrella's, wet pants/skirt and their pretty shoes that are letting in making their feet all soggy. Bless!
So yer, survived my first night shift tho I did start flagging@ 5am So Donna & I decided to have water fighst with syringes.....I won! hehe. I worked in resus last night which was truely nuts when we started shift. It managed to go nice about 2am (ish) and that pain I had in my tummy was still there, excrutiating! it got that bad that I had to push my salad away when on my break. It's still there now but not half as bad. Hmmmmmmm......
Anyway Mark & I didn't manage to meet up yesterday! I was supposed to call his house at 1pm to sort out/clarify what time I was going ot his. I rang his at 2pm cause my mum was waffling on the phone and when I finally got hold of the telephone, it was engadged. Mark's brother is studying at uni and appears to be on dial up internet so suprise suprise. I tried again at 2.30= still no joy. So I left it. It wasn't ment to be. I planned to ring him whilst in work but Resus being tits up, there was no chance in hell. I thought long & hard while in work (as I do on nights) and I honestly need to stop worrying, questioning behaviour, reading into stuff & getting para and just.....go with the flow. Of course, there are going to be hiccups and us both being Nurses then Mark should understand that shift patterns are bummers. I plan to give him a copy of my off-duty and ditto. If we want to go away or have a weekend together then we;l just have to put requests in and hope for the best. I felt well shitty for not trying harder to see him and for not rining him at work, but there wasn't a great deal I could do. When I turned my phone on after my shift, I gots a text from him saying 'Here is sonething to get you through your shift. Know that while your working, Im thinking of you. While I am sleeping,I'm dreaming of you. And when I see you, I feel like the luckiest guy in the worled. Miss you. Mark. xxxx' Awwwwrrrrrrrrwwwwwww! I melted and man! I had the biggest grin on my face!
Anyways, just thougth I'd share that wif ya! I'm off to bed now to listen to that lurrverrrly rain!