Aug 24, 2005 09:56
Just a wee catch up on what Ive been up2........
Saturday I was mega tired from working overtime on Friday so I went & chilled out at my sisters. We bathed her 3 children & put them to bed. They were out like lights! I did speak to Mark previously, he seemed a bit down that he hadn't seen me and said he missed me, which was of course.....sweet. He said he was off to a BBQ of a work collegues. He asked me what I was doing and by that time I had nothing planned as I wanted to see what he was up2. I said 'Ohh nothing' he replied with....'oh no doubt you'l go out' Me: : / hmmmmmmmm....??
I didn't say anything as It'd seem that I was assed he didn't ask me along with him. I just thought that It'd be nice for me to meet his work collegues and me see the people he works with. I'm sure if I had any invites to of Whistons then I'd take him so I could show him off....'LOOK HERE HE IS, MY HUNNI!!.*corny*
This right away made me think, like any girl would really....especially me! doesn't he like me? Is he ashamed of me? Does he not want his collgues to meet me? Am I a state? Is he going to a BBQ? You know all that kinda shit! Which I tried not to think, but couldn't help it! bahh. So my night was good. It gave me a chance to speak to my sis. She's having a mega shit time at the mo, 'trying' to get her ass-og-an-ex outta her life, but he's being rather difficult regarding the children. I let her vent, kikt off, blow her top & I think she felt much better after that. I went home cause I hate staying in other peopls beds....Don't know why....just do!
I went to see my friend Sandra had a natter. Saw my friend Rick, had a natter. Saw my friend Jennifer, had a natter. Saw LOTS of friends, Had LOTS of natters. Ohhh and ADAM called me to see how I was etc, what Ive been up2, hows work? Etc etc. It was nice to speak to him actually. He seemed pretty genuine in asking me how tricks where, so the nice attitude was recipicated....but not in a way it'd be read wrong....ya get me!
Didn't speak to Mark, he worked a long day....(8-8) *shrugs*
I went back to Ricks for a 'drinky catch up' cause all his buds were there....mikey, owey, david, vern, liam.....the 'gang' from the good old days when I first started going on 'mad-ones' if you know what I mean.....these *where* hard party lads! They'v all quietened down now having girlfriends, wives, babys on the way etc. But they'r still funny funny lads and what a giggle I had! Infact, my tummy muscles are still hurting me from laughing HARD! Anyhow, when I went out, rick picked me up so I could have a drink. Rick is ALWAYS early! always! so when he honked. I was in such a rush, I left my mobile on my bed. When I realised after much vodka that I'd forgotten my phone, I rang home to tell my folks if he called to tell him I didn't have my phone. I got home about 11ish and textd him with an explanation. I heard nothing.
Mark & I had 'provisionally' arranged to meet up. He finished work at 1pm and said he'd call me. He didn't. So I called his house and there was no answer. I sat back and took a LONGGGGG HARRRDD look at our friendship/relationship. I asked myself whether I should be taking a hint here? and from what I gathered, I was to take the hint. I tried marks house again, no answer. i gathered he must of gone out with friends or to the pub wherever. So I went shopping with Donna. I was realy pissed at the fact that I'd not made plans so I could see Mark and he let me down! I texted Mark asking him was there a hint I should take etc etc. He eventually texted me back at 18.30! but a reply I got. I sent & recived some home truthes from him & gave some myself. We ended up being nice to eachother. He said he was off out and I happened to be off to keep fit then to Jeniifers. he said he'd call me ina text. I said sure thing, if my phone was off then Im in bed. I got home wuite handy cause I thought it'd be nice to have a catch up, a giggle and a nice chat. he didn't call. I left my phone on til 3AM and he still didn't call. *rolls eyes & scratches heaad*
Mark caled my house at 10.45 am . Now, me being a bit of a night owl, thats like reallllllllllllly early for me. I heard my dad take the call & decided to get up and call him back. Maybe he's getting arther pist off that everytime he rings me, I'm in bed! decent hours of course! So I rang him back at work. He sounded ok but not estatic to speak to me. I always put it down to work when I speak to people at their workplace. I got no explanation of why he didn't call me the night before, so, I wasn't delving into it. I'd look like a nag then wouldn't I? So that was that. In the afternoon, I went out with my folks. We went to Asda in Huyton for food shopping. Had a laugh! We picked up my Niece Sophia from Nursery. She's 2 and such a livewire! Mum & I went for a nosey at the clothes. Sophia was diving in the clothes, sliding alomg the floor. My dad even took her up & down the esculators TWELVE times to keep her quiet. The time came to come off them & she started throwing herself on the floor etc, was hilarious!
All the family came to our house last night but I went out (hehe) Went to watch a band with rick. Got home rather late but had fun! seen lots of old friends from the Krazyhouse, was nice to catch up.
And today, here I am. It's my sisters birthday today, she's 34. I have got her tickets to see M-people in October, some smellies from LUSH, underwear from M&S and some clinique make-up which is all she wears. I haven't given her them yet cause she's in work.
Mark & I have planned to meet up later. I'm going over his side to see him b4 I start shift, so probs about 4pm(ish) to have a chat, a kiss & a cuddle which should give me energy to go work a 10hour shift! I'm also going to have a heart-2-heart with Mark and see whether this is really what he wants. Cause I'm realllllly not sure if it is. When we speak he assures me that it's 101% but I don't know what makes me doubt it. As you guys know, It's totally not like me to be doubtful or cynical. Ahhhhh! I don't know.
I know this much tho.......I can't WAIT to see him! OW!
***********************************WATCH THIS SPACE**************************************
I woke up feeling rather sick this morning, urrrgh. I've had my cup of tea and I still feel rotten! Think I might need to lie down or vomit! not sure whether this is to do with my Girlie month or I'm getting a tummy bug? I hope not! I resume my nights tonight for FIVE! pffft. But not too bothered cause all the 'sound' people are on shift...even the doctors! should be good. I'm on shift though! So it WILL BE GOOD! MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA x