May 04, 2005 08:35
I've still not heard about my job! People are saying....'ohh no news is good news Sarah' or is it their way of saying/thinking....'she's got no chance'
I went to bed about 11am yesteday & keep the house mobile phone next to my bed....EVER time it rang...I answered it to findit wasn't the Matron of the A&E dept. It's killing me....I'm an inpatient person anyway so you can't even imagine how nuts this is driving me. All in all I'd say I had about two hours sleep yesterday...went to work last night & had a bummer of a shift...I was tired, bad tempered but din't let it rub off & just couldn't be assed. Do you ever get like that in work? Didn't even manage to have my supper cause every pateint needed TLC (tender loving care) I am...I must get a decent sleep today as I know its going to be a mad one again tonight. Adam's been great with me...I had a little blubber on the phone to himlast night in work...he lifted my spirits and made me see things in a better light which I should really....jeeeez it's not like I aint got a good job earning reasonably good money is it? *thinks*
Going to pic my photies up from Tesco's on Thursday which I can't wait for! Ohhh and I must post up the hightlights of my holiday too, just havent had time. Voting day 2morrow too isnt it? hmmmmmmm should be Interesting huh. Funny how all the party leaders & their sidekicks go all ove the country snivelling for their votes! Oh please! Promises Promises Promises!
Righty....I'm off to watch last ngiths Holby & have a well earned sleep!
WORD/S OF THE DAY: Sit tight Miss Pitt! x