Oh good 8D It's not just me who lost their ears overnight.
For a second there I got drunk at some wild party or something and... DX I'd rather not think about it!
But I'm not feeling too hot today. I think I'm just gunna stay in.
Maybe it's the whole.... oooooh I dunno.... changing of worlds stuff! DX
I can't believe him. I haven't seen him after all this time and when I find out he's here he... just brushes me off like I'm nothing.
It... It really hurts.
[[OOC: What a good mun I am XD Just got here and I'm already taking a HIATUS. I'll be at my grandparents for the next couple days. Hell yeah! 8D Three whole days of scarfing down multivitamine pills and prune juice!
Oh right. Mood and icon are HIDDEN. Because he's amazing. Shush you know it's true >__>]]