[This Temple Tilts] Masterpost!

Apr 21, 2012 01:41

Title: This Temple Tilts
Fandoms: Superwho (Supernatural/Doctor Who)
Author: cheeky_duckie
Artist: xenoamorist
Beta: thearcanetheory
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~32,900
Pairings: Dean/Castiel, TARDIS/Impala, Amy/Rory, implicit Doctor/River, briefly mentioned Sam/Ruby (in order of weight)
Warnings: Language, Maybe implied torture (if you think about it), Feels
Spoilers & Timeline: Takes place immediately after the last episode of season 6 of Doctor Who, and in an AU'd post-season 4 of Supernatural.
Disclaimer: I own neither Doctor Who nor Supernatural. This fic is written for fun, without any profit.
Thanks: Thanks to both xenoamorist (who is amazing -- I love absolutely everything she did<3) and thearcanethory (also amazing! <3) for their help and notes on the fic. I couldn't have had a better team of people to work with. Also thanks to all the moderators of the Superwho Big Bang; without the community, I never would have written this story. And I love this story.

Summary: The Doctor is missing. This wouldn't bother the Winchesters so much -- it's not as though they can really tell the difference between the Apocalypse rebooting and time unwinding -- except the TARDIS is on the loose and trying to find him... and she took the Impala with her. Everyone has to pitch in and figure out exactly where the Doctor has disappeared to, and why, before the world breaks down around them.
Art Masterpost | Ao3 | FF.net


Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Epilogue

I recommend the Ao3 or FF.net links, just for formatting reasons; I'm still fighting with the formatting on LJ. I'm going to clean it up throughout the night, but right now I can't seem to make paragraphs look... right. It's not unreadable. Just ugly.

fandom: fic, fandom: superwho, challenge: big bang, writing: fanfiction

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