Travis' Tattoo

Dec 06, 2010 04:15

About halfway through uni, and before he knew what he was going to do with his adult life, Travis went out and had himself tattooed. For reasons even he's not totally sure of, he settled on a rather large and somewhat startling gecko design, centred on his left shoulder. He calls it Pete.

Click to embiggen

As stated before, Pete's fairly large. His tail goes down Travis' upper arm, with his body going up and over his shoulder to Travis' back.



Placement is approximate, as the player's ability to perceive a three-dimensional figure at 4am is slightly hampered. But it gives you an idea of scale and general placement (or should, anyway).

Pete does cause some level of problems, what with Travis being a police officer and all. Mostly, he just wears the long-sleeved uniform, but if hot enough that he has to be in short sleeves, he wears a plain white cycling jersey under his uniform, as he at least had the sense to keep the design above his elbow and below his collar line. The colours are sort of starting to fade, but he's waiting for a time when he'll have at least a full week off to have it refreshed, to give himself plenty of time to just lie face down in bed with his shirt off, rather than have to deal with the weight of his stab vest trying to kill him.

ooc - pete

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