A/N: It's about time I post this, it's literally been sitting in my hard drive since last year. I suck. Dx Regardless of my lameness, here it is, the sequel to Chambermaid. I hope it'll be just as enjoyable to read as the first part. Now, it's Riku's turn to find love. ♥♥♥ Plus, I'll conclude Kairi's portion in this one as well. Poor gal, it'll be off with my head if I don't continue her story too. >.>;
Title: You're Not My Lord
Pairing: Inevitable Riku/Sora, Kairi/Selphie & others
Rating: PG-13 might become M in later chapters
Summary: Sequel to
Chambermaid, Riku's Story. How does he feel about marrying Princess Kairi? Will he ever be able to escape from the clutches of his duties as Prince of Destiny?
Authors Note: There's no Sora in this chapter, but I guarantee our adorable brunet to make an appearance in the next chappy. Also, this fic will have lots of Tarot based themes as well. Tarot is a big part of my life, so it's rather inevitable since I owe them very much.
Dedications: To my wonderful KH Destiny's Angels
leafyaki, and
thiefqueenriyo, that have waited patiently for me to get up on my own two feet once more. Now that I'm back in the game, it's time for action. Let's go for it.
Disclaimer: Lucy is a Fag Hag through and through, but thy characters portrayed in thee smut, thou shalt not hers. Sadly, but unfortunately true.
It was such a beautiful day outside, everyone in the kingdom agreed, but not prince Riku. Certainly for one that was self-absorbed with their own problems would not notice the beauty in anything. Just because it was bright and sunny outside, didn’t mean it was bright and sunny for him.
With the arranged wedding ceremony approximately a week away, nothing seemed to cheer him up.
Riku was grateful that his future wife was someone that he enjoyed being with, but he didn’t love princess Kairi. She was a great friend. Nothing more, nothing less. Thankfully all etiquette lessons, and royal duties were cancelled that week due to the festival preparations. He’d rather go through the torture of royal duties than get married any day, but it didn’t seem as if he had a choice.
All the prince ever wanted was to find that person he could connect with. He connected with princess Kairi to a certain extent, but as mentioned before there was no attraction there. His father warned him though, if he didn’t want to marry Kairi… they would have to find someone else. Riku didn’t want to take his chances with anyone else. He felt completely miserable having to marry someone he didn’t love, but at least he knew her. They’d been friends since they were very young. Maybe in time they’d learn to love each other. Maybe…
Although, that was not going to be the case, because Kairi had recently confessed something to Riku. She fell in love, which proved his theory to be quite incorrect. There was never going to be any room for him in Kairi’s heart. He blushed after the confession, without knowing what to say next. But he was indeed happy for her, along with a bit of jealousy on the side. The way she carelessly said it…
Kairi sighed a dreamy kind of sigh, “You’ve never been in love Riku, it only works if you have.”
He was jealous at the fact that she knew what it felt like to be in love with someone. The look in her eyes when she said the person’s name; it sure seemed like love to him. Then again what would he know? That feeling was completely foreign to him. Everyone says that falling in love isn’t as painful as it sounds. It wasn’t fair, Riku wanted to fall so deep in love that he would hurt all over for the rest of his life. At least then he could showcase that carefree smile the way that she had. Because no matter how much it hurt, it would all be worth it just to smile in that fashion. To know that you’re smiling because as long as you have that person by your side, you could feel alive.
She got to experience it before he did. Not only that, but his chances of ever falling in love with anyone, were slowing diminishing as the days continued to go by.
But then came the question of, how? Who was this person Kairi was in love with? Could they somehow be able to stop the wedding if that were the case? No, of course not, because typical princess Kairi had to go and fall in love with her chambermaid.
Kairi nodded, “Yes Riku. Gosh, you’ve never been hard of hearing before.”
“Don’t mock me, princess. You know very well that, well, this doesn’t change anything. I thought you’d actually found someone else to marry, and then everything would be called off…”
Kairi glared at him, “Could you stop thinking so negatively! We still have a week, and by then I guarantee everything will piece together the way it should.”
“And how do you suppose that---” Kairi shushed him.
The girl smiled once more, that same carefree smile that made Riku’s skin crawl in utter envy, “Trust me, all right? No one can make us marry someone that we don’t love in return. No matter what anyone says. I promise you that.”
Riku scoffed, “Sure, you’re all cheery now because you actually found someone… But I on the other hand, haven’t. You can live happily ever after with her, but the same doesn’t apply to me.”
“Stop being such a bitter bratty prince. Why don’t you leave the castle tomorrow? Go have some fun! You certainly need it.”
“You seem to have forgotten Lady Kairi, royalty can’t leave the castle walls without a darn good excuse, and frankly I’m lacking one.”
The redhead sighed and began to walk back inside, “Talk to your chamberlain, he’ll figure something out.”
Riku followed her and rolled his eyes, “Oh yes, because Axel is going to figure out a way to help me escape from the castle so I can freely go frolic outside with the townsfolk. Because obviously his duty is actually to follow my orders. Forget the fact that my father, the king, will execute him on the spot if he ever figured out of such dastardly ridiculous plans. Naturally, not before locking me up in my chambers until the day of the ceremony comes along.” The silver-haired royal then chuckled as he took one last breath of fresh air before returning to the main hall of the castle.
“Your whines and arrogance are definitely not becoming of you. Your father has let you go out in the past, right?”
“Going out with a bunch of bodyguards all around me doesn’t count.”
She grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him. “Oh Riku, loosen up! I’ll convince Axel! Besides, he owes me one.”
And with that she simply made her way to the kitchen to pursue some of that delicious cheesecake dessert the cook was fond of making. The head chef, Xemnas, was the best in the kingdom!
The silver-haired boy thought everything over, and couldn’t understand any of it… How could his chamberlain owe Kairi a favor? Of all people, why her?
He shrugged it all off, and realized he was worrying too much. There was no reason not to trust his best friend. More than half of the time, all she said, sooner or later, came true. Riku finally smiled and went into the kitchen as well.
The squeals from an overly anxious princess were heard in the distance, “THE CHEESECAKE IS SHAPED LIKE A HEART! HOW ADORABLE! CHEF XEMNAS YOU‘RE THE GREATEST!!!!!”
Riku was more than certain that after the squeals came the inevitable glomp attacks, which the princess was very fond of. He could only hope that chef Xemnas would never resign due to said glomp attacks. The man didn’t look like the kind of person that liked being touched in any way shape or form, especially not glomped.
No matter how annoying the princess came off to be, everyone eventually warmed up to her. Although, Riku was a different story. Everyone in the castle knew he was a serious boy with a very stern attitude. Not to say that the boy was unpleasant, it’s just, he never let his guard down. Not even in front of the princess; it wasn’t his style. The most anyone got out of the prince was a mere chuckle, and only Kairi could pull that off. Whenever she would clumsily break something, or fall flat on her patootie, there went the chuckle… But it was indeed at the expense of Kairi making a fool of herself, and only then.
He sighed once more, and really thought the idea over. Maybe she was right, all he needed was a bit more freedom. Kairi was an expert at sneaking out of the castle, but Riku as much as his curiosity got the best of him, wasn’t so inclined to explore. Even though his body yearned for adventure, and he knew it was in his blood. Regardless, he felt empty inside. No ambition, or motivation… No wonder he was such a stick in the mud!
Before another thought could process in that dull head of his, he excused himself and went to find the king’s most trusted chamberlain.
Kairi called out after him, “Just letting you know I’m going to eat your piece!”
“The answer is NO.”
“Oh come on! I never ask you for any favors, Axel!”
“Prince Riku, your father has given me specific orders. If by any chance I don’t abide by these orders, it’s my head. Do you understand that?”
The prince scoffed, “Seriously, you were the executioner, how the hell does my father come to think that you could protect me best? And isn’t all that a huge oxymoron?!”
“Well, you didn’t have to go and bring up all that,” The redhead chuckled and passed a hand over his unruly spiky hair.
Kairi tried to stifle her giggles best she could, but to no avail. Riku did have a point… How did the king come to the conclusion that a former executioner could benefit--- Oh wait. She just got it. Wow, Riku had a brilliant, yet very disturbed daddy.
Axel sighed and sat on one of the available chairs in the prince’s quarters. “Listen, I know you must feel rather overwhelmed---”
“Overwhelmed is an understatement, and you know it,” Riku grumbled stubbornly and plopped himself on his king sized bed.
It was Kairi that interrupted that time around, and she looked at Axel a tad bit irritated. She placed her hands on either side of her hips, “You are truly being unfair. Just this once, please? He’s always cooped up in here, and it’s not healthy. Sure, the estate makes up most of the kingdom, but still.”
Axel looked away from the princess’ gaze, because he knew if he looked into those determined eyes he would not be able to say no. At the moment, no was not an option though. “You’ve got to understand princess… I’m not willing to risk my neck just because the prince feels like being a---”
Kairi didn’t let him say another word, she was completely pissed. The girl thought she knew the man better, but apparently not. She jabbed her finger to his chest, “If you even dare to finish that sentence I’ll personally execute you myself! Riku has never bothered with such things, and that’s why he’s so, so… Just look at him!”
Axel turned to look over to the prince, and Riku in return blinked. The redhead didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary, so he simply shrugged. “Is there something wrong with him? Personally, I can’t tell.”
Her eyes glowed red at that instant, and she literally picked the man up by his uniform, “Now, you listen and you listen good. This boy was raised without any excitement in his life whatsoever. All he knows to do is follow orders! I mean honestly, you’d think a prince would have more privileges than that! But on the contrary, ever since he was born it’s been responsibilities after responsibilities… Where’s the fun in that? He’s not aware of all the beautiful things in the world. How can he be? If he’s never really truly experienced what’s out there! How could he know what to give to his people once he becomes king, if he doesn’t know what the people want. He needs to know what the people want! DAMN IT WHY CAN’T YOU SEE THAT?!”
Riku immediately got off the bed and went to his chamberlain’s aide, “Kairi, I think he gets it! Let him go!”
“I’m sure the prince knows what the people want… I mean every week there’s the meeting with the townsfolk and--”
Kairi was about to bite off the buffoon’s head, “THAT’S NOT THE SAME YOU NINCOMPOOP!”
Axel stayed calm as day and lightly coughed, “Milady… is it too much trouble to… let me go? I have a meeting to attend in about,” He checked his pocket watch, “A couple of minutes. So if you could be so-- OOF!”
The girl let him drop onto the floor, and spitefully smiled, “Of course chamberlain. If you so must.”
A grunt was heard as the taller man rubbed him rump, “I’ll agree to this proposition in one condition.”
Riku continued to stare intently at Axel and nodded, “I’m all ears.”
“Good. Now, first of all, naturally I must come along. I must monitor your every movement. If something were to somehow happen on your little adventure outside the castle, it wouldn’t be too good for myself.”
Both Kairi and Riku nodded some more in agreement. It would be quite the sad day when a former executioner becomes the executed. They both also cringed at the thought.
“And secondly, you must follow my rules. If you leave my side for a single moment or decide to rebel while in town, we’re going back. Even if it means I must use, force. Got it memorized?”
“What is he five?!”
Riku shushed Kairi, “All right, anything else?”
Axel smirked, “Yes. One last thing. After this gigantic favor and all… I should think I deserve a prize of sorts. Don’t you agree?”
The prince sighed, “What do you want, Axel?”
“Oh, nothing much, really. Just a compensation’s kiss. That’s all,” the man grinned as he leaned against the door, clutching onto the doorknob in the process.
Kairi’s eyes widened, and was at a loss for words. Did that man really? Did he just…?
Riku gulped and looked down, “Okay, if it’s a kiss you want. I’ll--”
Axel waved his arms around and made a disgusted face, “No, no, no! Not from you.”
Now Kairi just glared daggers in the other redhead’s general direction, “I do hope you’re not insinuating me.”
“Have you no respect for the bride to be?! How dare you ask for such a disrespectful request!” Kairi helplessly looked over at Riku. He had to say something, even if they didn’t have any feelings for each other… Was he going to let that trite little man, or not so little -far from the point-, manipulate the situation to his disgusting advantage?
Riku sighed but regardless agreed, “If that’s what you want, it’s done. But remember, just a mere peck, tis all.”
“WHAT?!” Kairi stood there in absolute shock. She had just been sold out! Used and… all right not abused… or was she? How rude! How could her best friend agree to such a thing? She could almost cry.
“It is a great honor Milord, for even just a mere peck is worth-”
“-Please, I don’t want to hear it. Just, get on with it. If anyone were to see the scandalous display, all hell would break loose for sure.”
The princess was still in complete shock, and was highly disappointed. Although, if Riku thought she was going to give anyone a mere peck anywhere he had another thing coming. As well as did the chamberlain. Before Axel had the chance to step anywhere near her bubble, she began to walk towards him.
“Oh, I see the princess has been yearning for this as well,” The smirk never left the man’s face.
That’s right take the bait, and everything will go back to the way it was prior. She smiled coyly, and placed a hand on one of Axel’s shoulders. “You’re right Axel, I have been yearning for this just as much as you have. Now, come closer,” she finished off with an almost too sweet whisper.
Axel could hardly believe what he was hearing. Sure, the request in itself was a long shot, but it was coming along wonderfully. Who didn’t dream of getting to kiss the princess of Heart? Now he could brag to his friends, and- wait… he was kinda lacking in the friends department. That was not going to stop him though! Ha! He slowly leaned closer to the princess’ lips, with a smirk adorning his face the entire time… until.
A loud squeak and then followed by yet another oof was heard throughout the room.
Kairi grinned wide as she apparently hit the designated area, “Was it all you dreamed of, chamberlain? I hope it was as good for you as it was for me. Toodles~!” She left the room, but not before sending one last glare in her best friend’s direction. Oh, he was not going to hear the end of that any time soon. She’ll make sure he’ll never forget it.
As the door slammed behind her, Riku couldn’t keep it in any longer. He covered his mouth and snorted.
“What are you laughing at?!” Axel growled as he continued to writhe in pain, and whine in a higher pitch than usual.
It was fun to mess with them from time to time. Dear all that’s holy, Riku needed to get a new hobby. He was a little worried for his life at the moment, and it had nothing to do with his plan to leave the castle. Kairi was far more dangerous than any king’s men.
It was a couple of minutes to midnight, and around the time the chambermaids of the castle checked up on the prince. Riku had hidden his pseudo peasant outfit, which Kairi so kindly let him borrow, since she had a few to spare. She seemed to sneak out of the castle a lot.
Riku sometimes wished he could be more carefree like her, but the life they lived was not one of such. How can royalty be carefree? There are so many responsibilities that if he doesn’t keep a serious disposition about him, the rest of the kingdom would see him as a complete joke. He had to be respected, otherwise once the kingdom was his to rule it would be pandemonium.
Structure and a strong sense of discipline are two very important lessons Riku knows will lead him to the path of greatness. His father taught him well, and he knew what he had to do. What was he thinking? Sneaking out of the castle was the last thing his father would approve of. He needed to do what was best for the kingdom.
There was a knock on the chamber door. A man with a scar from the top left side of his forehead to the bottom right side of his face, just under his eye, walked in. “My Lord, the king has sent me to inform you of the upcoming rehearsals for the marriage ceremony. He wants you to be up bright and early to finish up the preparations tomorrow.”
Riku only shrugged, “Whatever. Is that all?”
The brunet nodded, “Yes, Sir.”
“Then you’re dismissed.”
“Thank you.”
As the man walked out, Riku called out to him, “Leon wait! I… May I have a word?”
Another nod in the prince’s direction, and the king’s second knight in command walked right back into the room. “What’s on your mind your Highness?”
The prince thought very hard about what he was about to say. He decided to be as vague as possible, but knowing Leon he would dismiss it and be just as vague back. Maybe there was a better approach to it all. Riku took a deep breath, and blurted it out. Whatever was not supposed to come out, came out regardless. “I don’t want to get married!”
Leon pondered and scratched his chin in a pensive manner, “Right, right I see--- Wait, what?”
“You heard me. I don’t want to marry. Why do I have to? I don’t even love princess Kairi… in that way anyway…”
“Sir, I highly doubt I’m the appropriate person to go and tell this to. Have you told the king--”
“Of course not! What’s he going to do? Besides, it’s tradition. It’s in the sacred scrolls… Both kingdoms have waited for this day for quite some time. I don’t think my father would take it lightly if I were to tell him now about my feelings towards the arranged marriage.”
Leon passed a hand over his face in frustration, “Once again, Milord, it’s not up to me to decide. This is your responsibility to the kingdom. If you can’t except that, then I suppose you’re just not fit to be the Prince of Destiny, or the future king for that matter.”
That much was expected coming from Leon, he was very devoted to his father and the kingdom. It was a mistake to confide in him, but he had needed to talk to someone. Regardless, he knew now what he had to do. Riku nodded in agreement, “You’re absolutely right. What was I thinking? I guess, it was cold feet…”
The brunet wasn’t buying much of that, but for the sake of preventing future conflict, he nodded back. “Good. Now, go to bed. There is much to do tomorrow.” He then left the prince’s chambers once more.
Riku smirked and pulled out his disguise from it’s hiding place. He also took two sheets of parchment, and began writing. “If there’s no way to remedy this, then I suppose I’m unfit to be royalty all together. Thank you Leon, now I know better.” With that he decided what was best for himself. The kingdom was much better off without him.
After leaving his room, he quietly passed by some sleeping guards. Who knew the kingdom’s security sucked so bad? Well, not that Riku was complaining.
The silver-haired prince stood now upon a red door. If he hadn’t known any better he would jump to the conclusion the door would lead to the underworld. It sure seemed like it, according to how nervous and anxious the boy felt. He simply slipped a letter underneath the door.
“Finally. Freedom, at last.”
He followed the secret passage map he had obtained from Kairi. How she knew of all the secret passageways inside his castle was beyond him. Riku could hardly contain his anxiety and excitement. That was probably the first ever decision he had ever made on his own, without the influence of his father. Hopefully it wouldn’t be the last.
Droplets of water slowly kept falling down onto the ground, nearing the dungeons. He would have to be extra careful around there, seeing as it was under close watch at all times. All he brought with him was the clothes on his back, and a necklace. It would’ve probably been best to had left it, but it was very special to him. Probably the only thing his mother, former queen of Destiny, had ever given him.
Prince Riku, could finally smell the wet grass, it had just finished raining. He had to crawl into a deep hole in the dungeons to reach the end of the passageway. It was dusty and dirty, probably even muddy or full of rodents, but he didn’t care.
“I’m almost there…”
A voice was heard as he approached the moonlight that embraced the last bit of the tunnel. Riku panicked. What if he had been caught? No, he couldn’t get caught now. He was so close!
“Hey, you there! What are you doing?”
Riku froze and contemplated turning back towards the dungeons, but that would’ve been quite cowardly. He should face his punishment like a man! Or a Prince! Even if he technically, wasn’t maybe, not a prince anymore since he was escaping from his home and…
“Answer me buddy! I’m here to help.”
“Huh?” Riku poked his head out from the hole and stared at a blond with really bright colored eyes. They resembled his slightly. He also seemed familiar…
“Don’t you recognize me? Either way, the name’s Demyx,” He grabbed Riku’s hand and pulled him out. Then he picked up his sitar that he had left on the ground.
“You’re… the…”
“Yeah, I’m sure you’ve seen me once or twice. I perform at different kingdoms, but I mostly reside in the Kingdom of Heart.”
“How did you know that I…?”
“Princess Kairi sent me, she thought you might want to break out tonight. She was told about the marriage rehearsals as well.”
Riku tried his best to dust and clean off the outfit he had put on, but no luck. Well, he could at least say he was sure to fit in a bit better now. Although, he must keep his hood over his head on at all costs. If anyone were to see his hair, they’d know he was the prince for sure. “Thank you. I… did she tell you anything else?”
“Nope. But I can assure you I’ll be around to help you, if needed. Tomorrow I’ll be performing in town. Would you like to join me?-- Oh right! Never mind… That would be drawing attention to yourself. Heh… Oops.” He chuckled nervously, and bonked himself over the head for his carelessness.
The blond was an interesting fellow to say the least, Riku thought. Demyx was right though, he couldn’t risk drawing any attention upon himself. “I’ll watch from afar, if that’s all right. For now though, I’ll just go and explore.”
Demyx grinned, “That’s nice and all but… It’s not wise to explore at this time. We should really get out of here before---”
“Um, I think we better leave now.”
“Run, run away!!” Demyx grabbed Riku’s hand again, and they hauled their butts out of the castle grounds.
Princess Kairi seems to have lots of connections, he he. But, oh bard Demyx how I love you! *squishies both her Demyx and Kairi plushie till her eyes pop out* I'll probably post this in the KH comms when I wake up. I should've been sleeping hours ago, but I refused until I at least posted this on my writing journal. I did promise, and a promise from Lucy Fag Hag is one that will always be kept. Even if I procrastinate up the wazoo. :D