KPOP RP Logs, SHINee series (JongKey focus)

Dec 14, 2010 23:58

So after reaching the 50K mark on my NaNoWriMo novel, Vivica Lee and the Arcana Chronicles: Fool's Journey (yeah that's a mouthful, got it memorized?) I wanted to write something fun, easygoing, no rules, just do it kinda thing. In fact, this is not even the conventional fic, it's in the RP format. I'm not really sure how this will be taken and all ( Read more... )

jongkey, umma!key, kpop crack, shinee, i be known as writer umma, womanizing!jjong, kpop, instigator!onew

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melalocket December 15 2010, 09:16:10 UTC

brb after college >.<


_superherogirl_ December 15 2010, 16:08:09 UTC
Weehoo! Looking forward to it! :DDD


melalocket December 15 2010, 17:16:45 UTC
i love this!!
and the pic and the gif!!!
wow this is great!!!


_superherogirl_ December 15 2010, 17:29:05 UTC
Thanks for reading and commenting sweets!
:D I'll make sure to make another update, hopefully by the end of the week. ;D
Thanks again. :P♥♥♥♥♥


joycekeewy December 17 2010, 02:30:47 UTC
Should I be jumping ? We are the end of the week, more like the debute of the weekend but same same kekekek


_superherogirl_ December 17 2010, 03:42:30 UTC
I hope I don't disappoint! But yes, this rp log is waayyyyyy shorter, major so it won't take that long. I'm gonna start organizing the html noww! ;DDDD

Thanks for staying tuned!♥♥♥ :DDDD

*pokes your icon and giggles, snorting at creeper Onew in the background as well. XDDD*♥♥♥


joycekeewy December 17 2010, 14:00:03 UTC
Right !? All I saw was Jongkey then I saw his face back there. Aigoo~ . No OT3 for me but I like the Jongkey faces too much /giggles.
Your Key is smexey~


_superherogirl_ December 18 2010, 00:31:42 UTC
♥♥♥♥ AGREED and thank you so much! I'm glad you like the way I write Key. I have too much fun writing him as well, hell I love writing them all. It breaks my heart to write our darling diva hurting/suffering, but I know that he'll get his Jjongie poo soon enough. <3

When Key is out of the hospital, we're going to get to see striptease!Key... in which Jjong would probably go into cardiac arrest, and Key will have to perform *cough*... Let's just say Key will have to revive him. :D


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