Title: Beautiful Mess
cheecharonPairing: JunSeung
Genre: Crack because I think I was on crack when I wrote this O__o
Rating: PG [?]
Notes: I tried writing angst, so enjoy!
Sometimes, he just wants to punch Junhyung in the face and leave him there knocked out of his wits. )
Its so perfect from the beginning till the end..
My fav is when Seungie led JunHyung to bedroom after the shirt incident.. XD
Wae you sho aweshome??
I hate chu! <3
It's so... I jus love it. trololol
And I kind of have that dread feeling because of the negative things, but then.. dawww~ JunSeung is so precious :D
I love this <3
thanks, danielle! ^__^
I love your fanfics. They make me fdhgkjjhdkg :D
hahahahahaha thank you, bb.
anyway, it's up to your imagination what happened after they went into the bedroom ;D
thanks for commenting! ily <3
waaaaaaa sorry T____T
but thank you for reading and commenting!
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