insomnia: the death of a nation

Jun 24, 2005 07:00

so i've been up all night, i've done some packing here some packing there. and i finally got finsihed.

if you all must know why am i packing it is because i have a flight to des moines at 240pm out of sanford international airport.

i've probably posted on why i'm going to des moines so i'm not going to bore the world by saying it again. and if i haven't post a comment and i'll tell you.

it should be a fun drive back from my sisters in des moines. i hope to see some amish people while i'm up there so as to take pictures of them and show that they wont die from it, and how stupid they are for not wanting the luxuries of todays society.

the amish are about as smart as the chirstian scienetis. no madder how hard they try they are still retarded. and if the amish want to really live with out technology, they why don't they stop using carrages or butter churners or cotton clothes for that madder. there is no reason for them to stay in the 19th century.

do the amish have to pay taxes? do they have to pay a morgage? how do they own there land with out any credit? why do they use the roads that are for cars and block fucking traffic? the world may never know unless the amish realize they are retarded and stop being hypocrites of there own religion

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