This is a copy paste of the comment I'm trying to put onto the PG community. It's too long, so I'm posting it here too while I try to figure out how long 4300 characters actually is.
What a blast it's been going through all these! I didn't think I'd need to back up my snapshots, but now that I've actually looked through them all I'm so glad I did end up backing them up last week.
And you were totally right,
nyankurin, this was SO TIME-CONSUMING. Not just looking through 6 years' worth of dressups, but uploading and pasting the links to 6 years' worth of dressups xD
Getting a feel for things for the first few months, then I feel like I took off running from May onward. I'd even started collecting already, check my fly Piyo swag in August!
This was my faaaavorite year, I think. I had the hardest time choosing a favorite dressup each month, EVERYTHING was so cute.
I got a little more self-expressive this year, not so much with her face and hair as with the activities her clothing represents. I had a lot of prettier outfits in March, but I loved having her be able to knit just like me and show off her Naval Academy fandom in February (Go Navy! Beat Army!). And oh my goodness the cosplay opportunities! See if you guys can spot the two cosplays in this year~
This was when I fell off the wagon. The September and October dressups are only favorite because they are the ONLY dressups those months. I didn't dress up at all from November till the following March. I don't really remember why, since I was well out of school by then and while my job was stressful, none of it came home with me.
Still hadn't really climbed back on the wagon at all this year. Many months here are another case of "this is favorite because it is only." The dressups are kinda meh at this time, just a quick "whelp better throw something on her." My stress at work got really bad at this time and it made me extremely depressed at home, and it really shows in my dressups. It makes me sad to look back at 2014.
It was really, really hard to pick the favorite for March because I'm trying to make every dressup in March my favorite dressup ever, so that no matter what happens I'll at least have gone out with a bang.
My main takeaways from this exercise:
-I HAD to have something in both my hands from 2009-2012, though it does still crop up even after that
-I apparently LOVE to pair pink with baby blue
-I can't commit to just one hairdo or color. IRL I don't change my color, but MAN do I have to do a different style every day or I get bored. Not until the braided wig came out did she really find one thing that she could settle on. She finally did peg down a signature look, it just took her 4 years to find it.
-I started playing in 2009, not 2008 as I had previously thought :x Whoops!
But mostly--
-She reflects me in ways I didn't realize until now. 2009 to mid-2013 were great years for me, peaking in 2011; 2014 was stressful and (possibly clinically) depressing to the point where I lost interest in all of my hobbies including Poupee; and 2015 is The Year I'm Takin' It Back. I've been reconnecting with old friends, started my own business, and dug full-force back into PG and this community. My dressups all show this. You can see it in these selected favorites, but you can really get a clear view when you look at all of them on a page together. It's really incredible. It's been one hell of a ride, and I had no idea how much of it she's been through too, right beside me all these years.
I'm going to miss her now more than ever.