Not to mention it was my first Hetalia related one. xD
I can't recall everything about it but I just feel like putting it somewhere before I forgot about it completely and never had it, instead of writing it, why not just lemme type it and see how amusing it is.
Ok, as weird as it seemed...I remember it starting with me playing a random game of Bejeweled Blitz at school. Not exactly sure why it was there, but it was there. Then I remember going home and playing Grand Theft Auto or something like that. Next thing I know I'm halfway sucked in the game and I'm pretty much running. Not sure who I was running from, but I was just running. Then I ran somewhere near a pier or something like that, [odd considering my swimming ability, or lack thereof] then ran into England! Ha, it was kinda weird seeing him there. He, of all people, sitting on the edge, drinking tea, lecturing me about the crazy things I do, and...calling me America. Though, tbh...I wasn't sure if I was actually America or Fem!America at the time, I never bothered checking.
So I figured I had a few minutes to sit and poke fun at England. Then he told me a story of how he just wanted to come to the southern part of the US just to see what the water here was like. After that, he decided to offer me a ride to his current place there [which oddly looked exactly like my house. o.O So I believe we were actually in Mississippi at the time xD]. We were sitting on some little bench near the woods and he was drinking tea and talking about how there was one nation that was turning other government workers against their own nations. He had said that the nation was going after some of the really big countries, the ones that usually have a lot of beef with people in the world. As soon as he said that he had pointed to a group of men, government agents supposedly, dressed like those valets [yeah, I don't even know myself]. Did I mention England was still drinking tea...the entire time from when I first ran into him until I made it to his place?
Anyways, as soon as he saw them he told me that I had better run. I had took off straight into the woods and I think I heard him running off elsewhere. Those government agents apparently had some kind of weapon because I had heard it go off. I just never really realized it had hit me until waaaaaay later. So, I was running in the woods, following a bunch of open paths [and avoiding those really open areas, though I probably should have ran through one]. I remember almost running into about twenty trees because I kept looking back and actually ran smack dab into one and broke the limb of it [poor tree ;n;] and almost knocked myself out. The tree limb had busted my nose because I think I was bleeding in the dream [and was somewhat having a nosebleed when I woke up xD] but I had to keep running and deal with that later.
I had finally made it to a city [which I'm guessing was somewhere in Alabama since when I actually started running I was moving east] and had to pretty much get rid of the clothes I already had on because they were pretty much ruined. I ran up to this random person's house and then they went ahead and gave me some clothes and food and then I was back on the run again. This time those government agents actually spotted me and so I had kept running and practically fell into an open manhole in the street. So, instead of getting back on the street I went ahead and decided to run through the sewers [eww] because I though it was smart. Obviously those were some determined agents because they were in there too. I eventually ran out of running place and had to bust out the sewers through another manhole [in which I scared the crap out of one guy, poor fella] and keep running.
By now I had made it to Georgia [yes, I ran from Mississippi to Georgia and I wasn't tired xDDD;;] and ran into some rich guy's house. I had went ahead and borrowed some more clothes since the ones I had on were wet and smelled. Though, none of the clothes fit, so I decided to search for more. Found what I guessed was a younger man's closet and put on those clothes [which were surprisingly close to that of those "valet government agents"]. I was finding a way to get out the house because I heard the rich guy come home, so I was opening all sorts of doors. One was a door "to the woods" [which I wasn't going back to], another one was a "door to Poland" [which unfortunated seemed to have been taken down and replaced with a wall], but I tried to break the wall but apparently I had lost my superhuman strength [which I had noticed after I found some odd dart on my neck].
Then I was getting frantic because I heard the rich guy talking to himself about how there were odd "government agents" outside dressed like valets. Panicking, I ran out a door, found the area was closed off with a somewhat high fence with spikes on the top. Somehow I climbed over the fence [just barely because I had remember hurting my left thumb and my leg] but as soon as I got over I had looked to my left and saw one of those "valet government agents" [lol] and he looked at me. I didn't clear my landing that well because of that, and took off running again. Unfortunately I was forced to run across an open golf course, and then I think one of those agents shot me with some kind of tranquilizer dart, because I was slowing down, actually feeling tired, and then...
...I got caught. And blacked out. [I dunno how you blackout in a dream.] When I woke up [still in the golf course], the agent was waving a gun in my face and explaining how I managed to injure about seven of those agents before he shot me in the leg and I blacked out. Oddly, I didn't believe him because I felt no pain, but I looked and saw it.
He thought it was funny because they caught a "superpower" as he had put it.
Then they took me back to Arizona and oddly I stole the agents' car and escaped and this started again, only I ended up in Nevada and some businessman agreed to stuff me in his suitcase [after I abandoned the agents' car because they were tracking me] and take me with him two states over to his job. Then we we made it to his house there and he gave me some new clothes and his other car he was planning to get rid of and told me to head overseas to get the word to other countries because "some guy by the name of England," as he put, never made it out of the country and is either probably dead or somewhere in the middle of Antarctica.
And so I drove. Stole a jet. Crash landed in France [which just so happens the countries were having a world meeting at the time] and told the other nations about what was happening. Then Russia smacked me across the back of the head and started explaining about how he was the nation that sent those agents out so he could end up ruling the world and ended with how "England became one with him."
Nations panicked and I blacked out again. I dunno how it ended.
This is probably like a long journal, so I don't expect anyone to read it all. xD