(no subject)

Aug 29, 2004 18:55

there is this thing that karen makes, noodles with this gravy stuff... happens to be probably my favorite thing she makes, and she is quite aware of that, i ask her to make it like 3 times a week.

so today, i come home from the pool, and i ask her if she made anything for dinner or if i needed to make something... and she goes, well i made those noodles that you like, but with lots of chicken, so i guess i can make you a baked potatoe, you could put the gravy on that.

well a, i dont want a potato, b, there is like 2 teaspoons of the gravy left, and c, the gravy has chicken in it. what the hell was she thinking. oh, well darcee has had an awful day, lets make her favorite meal but put chicken in it so she cant eat it. she does that all the time. how freaking hard would it have been to put a few noodles aside and put some of the gravy on them before she put the chicken in it? so then she goes, well ill go to teh store and buy more noodles and more gravy, and een a new pot if thatd make you happy and make you some dinner, hows that. she really thinks that being rediculous will make the situatiobn better, first of she would never do that, and i couldnt eat all of it, and i wouldnt, bnecause its stupid when i can just make something else. but now she got me to upset to even eat.

im so frustrated, she does stupid little things like that all the time and they really piss me off. i havent been doing well at all lately and this just didnt help. i want to leave this place. im so sick of all the shit that goes on. the one thing here worth my time is matt, and hes all thats keeping me here. school is bull, swimming is nothing but stress, and i could find another grocery store job anywhere, thats the last thing im worried about leaving. i could even leave my friends, itd be worth it to get away from everything here that stresses me out. but because matts here im stuck. i can barely get up in the morning as it is, i dont how i could do it being even farther away. life is too hard.
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