
May 05, 2009 17:33

This one's a bit crude.  It's one of my older ones.  There's just some simple rhyming with 4 lines per stanza, obviously.  All, if any, feedback is welcomed.  Criticism is what I thanks. :)
Oh and I also, I must mention that this poem was written more for my emotional comfort (aka venting) than poetic perfection.  In other words, it may make sense only to me.  Ah, but whatever...continue on with your lives.

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It would take me much too long
To recall all the fun we had
Shooting hoops and playing cards
And ice-skating with your Dad

All the times you made me laugh
Until it seemed we'd die
It's funny that you never knew
The many tears I cried

I'd lay there thinking of your smile
And how I wished these days would
never end
Little did I know
I'd soon have a heart to mend

Where did the time go?
I guess it's just old news
You threw me to the curb
Like a pair of worn out shoes

Maybe one day you'll see
Maybe one day you'll fall
And realize that, in the end
You really don't have it all


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