Edensphere Application

Nov 23, 2009 22:24

SERIES: Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals
PERSONALITY: Prettz is a relatively carefree young man. The most important thing on his mind is getting some alone time with his crush and friend Linaly. Alone time when they're not out saving the world that is anyways.

Extremely confident, Prettz holds a lot of faith in himself and his abilities. Even if something seems crazy, he's willing to give it a try if he feels it's an obstacle that needs to be overcome. Of course he tends to take incredibly stupid risks that put his life in danger or earn him the enmity of others when doing so. When it's taken into account the fact that he'd most likely become deathly ill if he ever managed to keep his mouth shut and his opinions to himself, it's a surprise he's managed to live this long.

A sarcastic streak a mile wide, he's also incredibly nosy. He can't help, but poke and prod at other peoples thoughts, opinions and ideals. He says he doesn't care and his constant rude attitude only furthers this impression, but he has a hard time simply walking away and leaving well enough alone. He would find it hard to ignore the plight of others. Yet he retains a constant stream of complaints and argumentative remarks when helping others. His attitude is usually completely at odds with his actions; it can be hard to see his kindness, so obscured is it by the vitriol that tends to pour from his mouth.

The most important thing to know about Prettz is that he will be obnoxious. At all times. Regardless of the situation. All sense of tact escapes him entirely. He also has something of a chip on his shoulder that even a good thrashing could never knock loose. He rarely shows respect for others in his words and he's quick to lose his temper. Underneath it all though he has a good heart, even if he would never admit it, preferring to be considered a "realist" than altruistic.

TIMELINE: Post-canon
BACKGROUND: Prettz has lived in Lix his whole life. Growing up with Linaly, the two are childhood friends. Overtime though Prett'z feelings grew deeper and he has quite the crush on the tomboy he used to play with. Too bad her grandfather disapproves immensely.

Things were always relatively peaceful aside from Linaly's grandfather's snubs and local monsters, but one day when he is sixteen, Linaly's grandfather sense a disturbance in the elemental forces of the world. Grabbing Linaly, the old man sets out for the Temple of the Wind, determined to protect the elemental crystal there. Prettz stalks them, not actually being allowed to join them. On the way though he saves the two from an antlion and ends up accompanying Linaly from that point onward while her grandfather remains behind recuperating from injuries.

They run into a group of sky pirates led by self-titled "Queen of the Sky Pirates" Rouge, but manage to escape (after Prettz insults her several times of course). Arriving at the Temple of the Wind, Prettz and Linaly make their way inside and grab the crystal, hoping to protect it. The crystal enters Linaly's body though and she immediately feels sick. Hoping to rush her to a blue mage to cure her, the two are blocked in their attempt to leave the Temple of the Wind by Valkus of the Tycoon military who believes the two to be responsible for the thefts of the other three elemental crystals of the world.

Talking falls through thanks to Prettz's natural charm with words (or lack thereof) and a fight breaks out. It's interrupted by Rouge who kidnaps Valkus, Prettz and Linaly. After interrogating them as to the whereabouts of the Wind Crystal (which she wants to add to her collection of treasure), she locks them up in her dungeon. At this point the spirit of Mid, helper to the legendary Valiant Ones who saved the world two hundred years ago from the evil Exdeath appears from the Wind Crystal.

He explains that an evil being named Ra Devil stole the brain of his departed grandfather Cid two hundred years ago, killing Mid in the process. Ra Devil plans to use the secrets of the crystals locked in Cid's brain to transform into a godlike creature known as Deathgyunos. To achieve this he needs the four crystals. Mid asks Prettz and Linaly to protect the crystal by allowing it to remain hidden in Linaly's body.

At this point Rouge comes back in, having overheard the whole thing, and drags off Linaly. Her plan? To force Linaly to drink laxatives until her body gives up the Wind Crystal. Prettz is naturally enraged and with the help of Valkus manages to escape the dungeon. Going after Rouge, he rescues Linaly and makes an attempt at escape, fighting the Sky Pirate Queen's forces all the way. At the exit he confronts Rouge again and it looks like it's going to be a showdown. Valkus attempts to intercede, not wanting Rouge (who he has fallen in love with) to be hurt, but duty bound to protect the crystal Linaly is guarding.

Before anything too serious can happen Ra Devil's minions attack putting a halt to everything. In an effort to protect Linaly, Prettz claims to have the crystal. Leaving Linaly with Valkus, he races back into the maze of Rouge's hideout. Linaly, Rouge and Valkus use the chance to escape. Leading Ra Devil's minions into the explosive store room of the hideout, Prettz blows it up. The hideout crumbles.

Through a lucky break he survives and the group heads to Tycoon where they meet with Queen Lenna. She asks them to protect the Wind Crystal, retrieve the other crystals and save the world. After some snark Prettz agrees, as does Linaly and Valkus. Rouge agrees after being given a room full of treasure. To accomplish their task the foursome need to fly to the Black Moon though. The only being capable of doing such is the dragon hidden beneath the Dragon Tower.

It's at this time Ra Devil again attacks. Rouge and Valkus defend Tycoon while Prettz and Linaly rush to retrieve the dragon. Though they manage to do so, Linaly (and thusly the Wind Crystal) is kidnapped by Ra Devil and taken to the Black Moon. Valkus, Rouge and Prettz use the dragon to fly to the Black Moon. Unfortunately the airships they were riding in crash. The rest of their force remains behind while the three heroes plus Mid venture forth to Ra Devil's layer. They're too late though as Ra Devil uses the power of the crystals right before their eyes to begin his transformation into Deathgyunos.

Prettz uses the opportunity to rescue Linaly who has to be brought out of a trance (in which she painfully beats up Prettz with chocobo summons) first before the group can take any action. Then the attack against Deathgyunos begins in earnest. Nothing is effective though and the end seems near. At that moment the Wind Crystal transfers from Linaly's body to Prettz's and with it's strength he manages to destroy Deathgyunos. The world saved, the group retrieve their airships and the dragon and head back to their planet, ready for a well-deserved (relatively) peaceful life.

ABILITIES: Prettz is a fairly normal human. He has knowledge in bombs (more primative ones; he has no clue about time bombs, but ones that run on gunpowder he can do) and motorcycles. For the most part though what he excels at is self-taught swordsmanship, able to swing a long nodachi with relative ease. Beyond that he has vocal cords of steel, able to yell in a voice that can carry city blocks without so much as getting hoarse.

BIRTHDAY LOG: Think of the giant squirrels. They think of you naked. Yes
DREAM: He drove as fast as he could. The turns were harrowing, his motorcycle barely staying on the narrow rocky ledge as he swerved deeper into the rocky maze. He leaned to the left with all his weight, just missing tumbling off into the deep chasm taunting his right side.

Behind him they were coming. He could hear them. An explosion only eight yards back marked the increasingly short distance between him and his pursuers. Leaning forward he tried to make himself as small as possible, cutting down on wind resistance. A series of hairpin turns gained him some distance. He couldn't be caught. Not yet.

After all he had to protect her didn't he? And to do that he needed to be the distraction, heh. These tin cans didn't have the skill to so much as touch him. The bike roared down a set of stairs into a chamber buried deep into the rock of the cliff. He spun it around to face his assailants, a big shit eating grin on his face. They were in for the surprise of their life. The last surprise if he had anything to say about it!

Reaching into the saddle bag on his bike he pulled out two bombs. "Eat this ya tin cans!" The bombs flew through the air, landing on a pile of gunpowder. He didn't even catch sight of his pursuers before the bombs exploded and the room became a roaring inferno. As the flames engulfed him an image of a young girl his age flashed through his mind. She turned, smiling at him, his name on her lips though he couldn't hear it over the roar surrounding him. She had blue hair and while he couldn't quite make out her face he did notice her skirt was incredibly short and...and her butt was...glowing. He could feel the nosebleed before it even started.

This was enough to protect her though..right?

JOURNAL SAMPLE: HEY! HEY. Do I have your attention? This has to be the stupidest way to communicate. What idiot thought a journal would be a good idea?

You can call me Joe. And I suppose I need a job. I'm the epitome of youth so if you need a smart, dependable guy helping you out, someone give me a shout.

Oh yea and introduce yourselves, jeez!
ASPIRATIONS: I don't really have anything specific. I would just like Prettz to annoy as many people as possible! Which he's pretty good at by just breathing.

ooc, edensphere, application

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