(no subject)

Nov 16, 2009 20:46

Player nickname: Tiffany
Player LJ: arcesso
Way to contact you:
Email: live.infamy[at]gmail[dot]com
AIM: to boldly trek
Are you at least 15?: Y
Current Characters: ...I lied on my Lisa application since it's a direct CP of the first one. I'm... too lazy to repost it so I'm just telling you here. CURRENTLY I PLAY JAMES T. KIRK AND THAT'S IT.

Character: Bruce Wayne
Fandom: Batman
Character Notes:
When Bruce was only a child, he watched a two-bit pickpocket murder his parents right in front of his eyes. He inherited billions of dollars in real estate investments in Gotham City as well as the ever-growing and top-notch technologies company, Wayne Enterprises. Despite all of this, he never got over the trauma, and as he grew older and found that the man was never brought to justice, it bred within him anger and hate for the immoral as well as a desperate need for justice to be done. Deciding that no one else would rise to the challenge, he decides to take the stand. He confronts the man responsible for his parents' murders, but the man claims to know nothing about them.

In an effort to uncover more about the criminal mind and understand why the man (Joe Chill) would act in such a way, he began to travel the world. He is detained in a Bhutanese prison for theft and is encouraged to join and elite group of vigilantes called the League of Shadows. Bruce accepts and is taken into the mountains where he endures near-impossible training amongst men who should be classified as ninjas under the supervision of Ra's al Ghul. It is here that he overcomes his childhood fear of bats. However, the League of Shadows had malicious intents to use Bruce to destroy Gotham. When they send him on a mission to do so, he purposefully blows it and destroys the training center and kills Ra's al Ghul with it. He saves his mentor, Henri Ducard, and leaves him in a nearby village.

He returns to a corrupted Gotham City and with Rachel Dawes, Lucius Fox and Jim Gordon's help, he takes control of Wayne Enterprises, obtains his batmobile and batsuit, and sets to work on removing the corrupt control. In the process, he encounters Scarecrow, Dr. Jonathan Crane, a specialist in hallucinogenic drugs who subdues Batman. He overcomes Crane and gets him locked in Arkham Asylum, only to have the League of Shadows attack Gotham, burning down Wayne Manor and releasing Crane in the process. Bruce, of course, defeated the League of Shadows (led by his ex-mentor, Henri Ducard, who reveals himself to be the real Ra's al Ghul) and Batman becomes a public hero. The cost of this heroism, however, is that Rachel can't be with him as long as he is needed as Batman.

She begins to date the new District Attorney, Harvey Dent, and Bruce immediately starts up the competition. The Joker, together with the mob, repeatedly attempts to kill Rachel and Harvey; they succeed in killing the commissioner and a judge. After some back and forth between the Joker and Batman resulting in Bruce trusting Harvey Dent as a force of good for Gotham, the Joker ties both Rachel Dawes and Harvey Dent to explosives and makes Batman choose. He goes for Harvey, and the police force tries to save Rachel but doesn't make it in time. Harvey blames himself, Batman and the police force for Rachel, his fiancé's, death and becomes enraged. He didn't escape the incident unscathed, turning into Two Face and joining up with the Joker to confront Batman.

Of course, Batman defeats them both, leaving Joker to be taken to jail and leaving Harvey for what appears to be dead. Of course, he takes the fall for it because if the people of Gotham found out that Harvey were corrupted, it would negate all of the progress he had made as DA. Batman accepts the roll of the villain, claiming that he is the one who went bad, killing 5 police officers in the process. Commissioner Gordon grudgingly accepts this solution and destroys the bat signal atop the police station.
Bruce Wayne is an arrogant billionaire and a superficial, irresponsible, ignorant playboy. At least, that is what he likes to make himself out to be. In all actuality, Bruce has layer upon layer of depth to him. After his parents' murderer was allowed to walk free, he gained an overbearing sense of justice--and an equally strong desire for revenge. Together, they would be enough to drive a normal man insane, but Bruce Wayne is no ordinary man. He focuses these emotions into one goal--preventing hurt and bringing retribution for those he could not prevent. A genius, he realizes that in his position there is only so much he can do. So, he develops an alternate identity where he can funnel all of those too-powerful emotions. He creates the Batman and goes to dish out the reward criminals deserve, aiding the police in their capture.

Despite his sense of justice, he also feels an overwhelming guilt for every enemy he gains that hurts a civilian to get to him. He bears overwhelming guilt especially for Harvey Dent's corruption and Rachel Dawes' death. He tends to fixate on these pains and use them in a self-destructive manner, beating himself up and self-deprecating until he thinks he has no choice but to be Batman, because he has to make up for the crimes he has committed. Because, if he doesn't, he could be just like any other criminal and not some overzealous vigilante.

A major quirk in his personality is how secretive he is. He does not like anyone to get close to him, the only person who knows him completely is Alfred, essentially making his butler the only person he can be entirely comfortable and carefree around. Otherwise, he is on constant guard. It isn't that he fears how others may judge (except in Rachel's case, where he did care what she thought) but rather that they could use such an in against him. If they knew what made him tick, saw beneath his walls, they might be able to get under his skin and pick at his weaknesses.

As Batman, he becomes much stronger as a character. Batman is unafraid to do what has to be done, knowing he will not have to face the consequences for his actions. He is the hero that Gotham needs, not that it wants. He does the dirty work that no one wants to admit needs to be done, all the while keeping a strict moral code.

Emotionally, his strengths lie in his ability to be a constant brick wall. He is going to do what is best for you whether you like it or not, and you WILL like it, because he won't care if you cry and whine because you don't. At least, on the outside he won't. He has incredible coping skills and will stay determined and devote himself entirely to a cause (Batman keeping the streets clean) without distraction. Even when the love of his life and best friend, Rachel Dawes, was killed, he continued pursuing the villains that were plaguing Gotham. He used Rachel's death as a motivation, and did not let it hold him back from seeking justice--just as he used his parents' deaths in the same way.

BUT HE HAS SO MANY PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES. Wow, where to begin? His main motivation is life is revenge for his parents' deaths, which leads him to do many things that he as a person is not proud of, but that he can do because he is Batman and they need to be done. He has so many buttons to push, like his guilt over Rachel's death and Harvey's corruption. He has great fear of becoming corrupt like everyone else in Gotham seems to, so any indication toward that is a definite button. He's also very touchy where any of his allies may be threatened because of his actions, or in order to get to him. He's very self-sacrificing for those he cares about and to see them threatened is a failure on his part--and he does not like to accept failure.
Other: I will be restarting Bruce~
Additional Links: Wiki.

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