Arthur and Molly would NEVER have sex!

Apr 15, 2008 19:19

Title: ( Never Too Old )
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): Arthur/Molly
Warnings (if any): parent!sex
Summary: The Weasley children have an unfortunate tendency of entering their parent's bedroom without knocking. Most of them come to regret it. Oneshot.
Reason given for rejection:
Dear rhhgrt,
We regret to inform you that we must reject your story, Never Too Old,
at this time.
At present, this story...
~ is not something we are interested in hosting at Checkmated.
Thank you for understanding, and keep writing,
-The Witches' Council
How did your story fare when you posted it elsewhere? It's my most popular oneshot and was recced by
Where did you post? My ficjournal,, and
Link us to some of your other work: It's all at my ficjournal:
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