Jul 06, 2010 22:42

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      the realm as a whole
The duty of Hell is simple: punish the wicked. As we have seen in Bleach, souls that cannot be purified by the Zanpakutou are sent through the Gates of Hell, and this is exactly where they end up. The process itself, however, is very business-like. The Damned are taken in, evaluated, and assigned to a proper Circle of Hell for eternal punishment. After the first week, new arrivals are re-evaulated to see whether the current method of punishment is appropriate. If not, they are re-assigned. Another evaluations is done after the first year, then 10, then 100 years.
The sky over Hell is a constant gray overcast, never changing. Unlike both Soul Society and Hueco Mundo, there never seems to be any moon or sun to alter the light. Clouds appear to be floating above, but no one has ever reached them. It is said that it is in actuality a hideous gray fog that is made up of the anger and sorrows of the souls trapped beneath it. Occasionally it rains, usually either some form of acidic water or blood.
The landscape smells of old death, a scent that most get used to after a few centuries. Some demons have taken to planting flowers to help overcome the repugnant smell, but all it does is mix the pleasant and unpleasant together, creating an even more unbearable environment for the damned. Demons themselves do not seem to mind.
Hell Butterflies are a common insect in Hell. They were given to the King of Soul Society thousands of years ago when the pact was made to send the evil souls to Hell. These are the same butterflies that are being bred in the 6th Division in Seireitei, though the ones in Hell are not used for messengers.
Names are always written with the only given name associated with the Demon (ex. Melchiresa), the particle de (as in "of") and finally the name of the city/town of which they reside. Melchiresa de Dis, for example, means Melchiresa of the City of Dis, letting other demons know where she is from. If the Demon has a job working in one of the levels, they will often have that level written at the end of their name. For example, Melchiresa de Dis [XI] would let other demons know she works in the 6th Circle of Hell.
Damned souls wear a strangely familiar white garb when in Hell.
No one knows where Demons go when they die. There have been no records of reincarnations into other realms of the Living or afterlife. Henceforth, the most common fear among Demons is, ironically, death.
In contrast to Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, and the King's Realm, Hell's cities are surprisingly modern. Technology keeps up with the discoveries of humanity, usually brought in by new damned souls bringing their knowledge with them as communication with the other realms has decreased significantly in the last century.
The main Circle of Hell is I or Limbo. That is where all the top Beauru of Punishment operate as well--the Circles themselves are on their own, locked up and guarded carefully and solely inhabited by the Damned meant to endure them..

      what's walking around
Primus A.K.A. "True Blood" Demons. These are demons that are born into being a Demon. Both parents must be Demons, either Primus themselves or a Mara. A distinguishing characteristic of the Primus is they often have some sort of facial marking in their humanoid forms as well as no pupil. There are several different subtypes of Primus, all of which involving a different specialty in delusion and/or magick. Unlike the Mara, the true form of the Primus is generally a frightening creature with few, if any, human characteristics.
Facial markings can be as subtle as a simple dot or as elaborate as a web of tattoos covering nearly every inch of skin. Demons born over one thousand years ago tend to have more elaborate, while more modern Primus have simpler designs
The lack of a pupil is said to stem from the lack of a soul.
Ironically, for the most part, True Blood Demons are a lot more like normal people than the typical image the word "Demon" would provoke. They hold jobs, raise families, and deal with the changing economy and politics of the day and age. They have a wide range of personalities, interests, and appearances.
The true forms, called Sum Vere or "True Existence", of the Primus are more iconic to the hideous, monster visages in fairy tales. The size is often an indicator of power--the larger, the stronger. There are a few exceptions, but as a general rule of thumb, it is pretty accurate. Appearances can vary greatly. Examples: one, two, and three.
Mara A.K.A. "Artificial" Demons. These were once malevolent souls who progressed through using their fellow spirits or were made by existing demons into a demon. Having once been human souls, the Mara can take on the exact human form of their previous life (or lives, if many spirits have been compressed into one). Mara are often known for demonic possessions and haunting of houses in the Living World. While some rely more on brute force, others have an affiliation with a type or subtype of magick. Their true forms are typically at least half-humanoid, once again calling to their origins as a human soul. Despite this, they are often known to be more ruthless and cruel than the Primus, because they were born out of the evils they committed in life and carried with them into death.
It usually takes several hundred years for a soul to become a Mara, but some have changed in a matter of decades. Some are known to eat each other in the pits of Hell, much like Hollows, to form a more collective being similar to a Menos Grande, but one personality usually prevails.
Once a Mara has been formed, they essentially forsake any possibility of redemption. While they keep their pupils, they are considered essentially soulless by any being other than Primus.
In society, Mara are seen as Mutts or lesser beings. While they account for about 37% of the Demon population, the number has been growing over the centuries, suggesting that humanity itself is becoming dirtier and dirtier. Most Mara do not hold very high positions in society, save a select few, and are not allowed to work directly with any damned souls.
Damnare are actually not Demons at all, but it's easy to mistake them as such. They are the souls that have been sent to Hell for punishment. Many retain their human forms for a while, but as they suffer, the damage done to their soul is shown through physical changes at all. Some, when sent to Hell, depending on their deeds take on a hideous form right from the start. They are sent to various Circles of Hell, depending on their sins for the appropriate treatment. Some are moved around, and most spent the rest of eternity in pain and agony. A few, however, are allowed to move up, and either sent to Sou Society or Hueco Mundo, or become so damaged that they turn into Mara.
Magicks are something that is common amongst all Primus and at least half of the Mara. Most are specialized in just one type of Magick, with a very select few, usually in positions of great power, have abilities in more than one. There are also varying levels of creation and control--some can control the characteristics of their Magick in the world, others can actually creature or enduce them. The most common types are...
Elemental comes in the following varieties: Ignis (Fire), Aqua (Water), Ventosus (Wind), Silicis (Rock), Tuono (Thunder), Glacies (Ice).
Affective deals with causing some sort of effect on the bodies of others. The types documented are: Aetas (Time)

      it's a cut-throat business/font>
ANTE-HELL; THE VESTIBULE A vast mud-flat that essentially guards the entrance to Hell. One step in the mud could get one stuck there for eternity. In the mud, no one is allowed to die, and therefore they spend the rest of time listening to the wailing of others that have been stuck there, never being able to catch. In the distance one can see a field that appears barren and flat. That is the true entrance to Hell. Ferries run across the inky mud at a slow pace, but is the only way to assure a safe voyage. Ferries with no visible driver. How do those oars move themselves?
CIRCLE I; LIMBO Contrary to belief in some religions, Limbo is not a place for unjudged souls to reside. Souls who are not punished are sent to Soul Society to be reincarnated: so only those who have stained their souls with evil are to stay in Hell. Limbo, therefore, is a mainstay for demons. Most make their homes here, where the stench is not strong, if present at all. Though the sky is still gray, it is notably the cleanest place in Hell. This is also where souls go to be sent to the appropriate level of Hell.
Metropolis of Dis: The Capital of Hell, so to speak. It's commerce is booming and it's inexplicably modern. It looks like a wonderful blend of Las Vegas, New York, Tokyo, and Paris all in one. This is where a majority of the business end of Hell is taken care of, and most of the well-known demons reside here. Dis also houses the doorways to the other levels of Hell.

Executive: Sitri

Executive: Decarabia

Executive: Naberius

Executive: Valefar
CIRCLE VI; the heretics SENIUM URS "Decaying City"

Executive: Foras
→ Former Executive(s): Adramelech
→ Assistant to the Executive: Andras
→ Assistant's Assistant to the Executive: Melchiresa

Executive: Astaroth
CIRCLE VIII; the fradulent RUISUNT VIRES "Fallen Power"

Executive: Belial
Souls in former positions of power tend to end up here. At first things may seem wonderfully opulent and cushy, but any bit of pleasure one may derive is a double-edged sword. Nothing is without a price and pain in the disguise of something appealing is the method of choice. The area itself functions as a large, lavish hotel that appears to cater to your every need. Those who have spent enough time in the Circle VIII, however, know that there is a danger lurking around every corner. A small bit of chocolate can send you into full body shock, tripping down the stairs as you feel each bone in your body break. While you will heal right back up only to experience it over again. If you have had the unfortunate assignment to the Circle for more than a few days, you will find those experienced enough hiding in corners, doing whatever they can to not be involved with anything. The fear is what gets you in the end.
CIRCLE XI; the traitors

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