Title: In Good Taste [Part Twelve]
Pairing(s): YulTi
Rating/Genre: PG-13 + Language; Coming Out, Girl-Meets-Girl
Disclaimer: I don’t own Soshi. I don’t own anyone, in fact. All Fiction.
Warning(s): Not that I remember~
Author’s Notes: Winding down now. I decided to be kind to y’all cus I’m feeling all soft. One chapter left!
wings )
I loved the teacup line, too. I marvel at people my age who just.....have things like that lying around.
I'LL MISS WRITING THE YOONBI SO MUCH. gaaaaahhh I could write about them annoying each other for pages. xDD Pffffft Sinbi saving herself for a straight woman. GURLLLL hahaha
Love, love, loooooveeee I enjoy reading your favorite lines. Sometimes, it's like I forgot my own writing. So, it's fun to spazz with you. <333
"Though, I did feel kinda bad for laughing Tiff when she thought she was getting rejected again "what the fuck?"-- HAHAHHAHA POOR TIFFANY.
Bittersweet, but a completed fic is better than hanging in suspense forever~~~ I'm a little low on rest, but I'm full of energy right now?!?! Ah well, I'll take advantage of it. I'm posting tonight, a day early! Wooooo
THANK YOUUUUUU YAAAAS, BB. You're an asset to any writer's comment section. ((I spelled it sextion at first omggg))
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