Title: In Good Taste [Part Two]
Pairing(s): YulTi
Rating/Genre: PG-13 + Language; Coming Out, Girl-Meets-Girl
Disclaimer: I don’t own Soshi. I don’t own anyone, in fact. All Fiction.
Warning(s): Consent discussion.
Author’s Notes: In the latest episode of me and boxxsaltz’s
podcast, someone asked about gay/queer shows. Well, I’m currently obsessed with
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Oh, I totes understood what you meant before you clarified. No victim blaming around here, but I think there's an underlying feeling in some fic that a random hookup who's a woman can't push past appropriate boundaries. Which, is ridic. Glad you picked up on all that.
"People are people, and some people are just plain terrible."-- Yep. :((
OMG I KNOW THE ADVENTURE TIME HAT REF, but it wasn't in mind for this ((oh gawd, was it subconscious??)). Pink Halter got all the first Yuri gay kisses. Sorry, y'all.
I see you expecting destruction from me. I mean...hehehe. We'll see. Maybe I'll be nice.
Yaaaaayyy stay hooked on my characters~
"I was actually thought Pink Halter was going to be the OG Pink Monster"-- Hehe.
Ooo and you pointed out some favorite bits! I knew at least one would include Yoongie and her irritation. Marie Antoinette + Yuri 5evaaaa
((((thank you for digging the chapter titles so far))))
Taek and Yuri are sad, yes. He's really not doing anything wrong right now, being in the dark and all.
"Dude, if Taek ends up being like that crazy, possessive Prof dude Yoong was with in GG"-- I actually gasped.
I loveddd the fangirling. Until the next chapter, bb <3333
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