Title: Must Love Girls [Part Two]
Pairing(s): TaengSic
Rating/Genre: PG-13; Girl-Meets-Dog-And-Girl
Disclaimer: I don't own Soshi. I don't own anyone, in fact. All Fiction.
Chap. Summary: Taeyeon opens up more to Jessica, despite her fears.
Author's Notes: Wow, I forgot how accomplished I feel posting weekly. As a reminder, this is a multishot, so it
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wow!!!! i totally love the story!!!! T_T it's so cute and light and it makes me happy to read a taengsic fic again. LOL i think, taeyeon + dogs is my new favorite, LOL i mean??? CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!!! oh god, i feel like i'm spazzing too much. lol i haven't been leaving any comments for the past months and this feels so???????? nice. wonderful. LOL i'm sorry for being dramatic. hahahaha i guess i just missed your stories too much! XD i'm so glad to hear from you these days. hehehehe :)
anyway!!!!! i can't wait on what's going to happen next!!!! >.< jessica should step up her game. lenny is definitely winning in the kissing category. and totally winning taeyeon's heart. LOL ah. can i just say again how i'm SO in love with this story? LOL okay, i will just stop right here. hahahaha tbh, at the last scene, i thought taeyeon was going to ask jessica out (with lenny as the reason LOL). but anyway!! your stories never disappoint!! hehehe horay!!!! i will be cheering from here~~~ XD
Ooooo you're a fan of lesbians (TAEYEON) with dogs, too?? Yeeeeeyyyyyy
Greener Grass really amped up the emotions, so I think everyone deserves something light again. And, I mean, I wrote WGTG. It's a pleasure to return to silly scenarios and 'why are these dum dums into each other' storylines. With a doggy! Thus, the cuteness overload you mentioned!
You can't spazz too much, Astro! This is a pro-spazz space.
jessica should step up her game.-- I think Jessica's realizing that tactics used on "normal" women isn't gonna fly on Kim Taeyeon. As you've mentioned, Lennon's kissing count's surpassing Jessica's measly um....zero. LOL
Keep being in love with this storyyyyy. You still have some chapters to go!
i thought taeyeon was going to ask jessica out (with lenny as the reason LOL)-- Hahaha nice motive, but I think Taeyeon's too self-involved to even notice Jessica rn. xDD
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuu~~
oh god. greener grass was just too intense. i remember reading it then having mixed feelings and being so emo afterwards lol oh god i really loved WGTG! that was the first OT9 fanfic i've read. XD at first i got really confused with the pairings but then got the hang of it. XD
nice motive, but I think Taeyeon's too self-involved to even notice Jessica rn.-- i just realized this when you pointed it out. LOL
you're welcome! :)
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