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Mar 02, 2006 22:54

I am finding new ways to drive my mother uterrly nuts lol.
I have told her as soon as I turn 18 Im going to become a stripper, she wasnt too keen on the idea, but the only thing she told me was "I dont think you have the right attitude for it" I was like sure i do lol. They make alot of money. I doubt I would ever actually do that but they are banking. I need to start working out now and doing yoga if thats going to be my choosen profession through college. I applied at campus copies but they havent called back. I need a quick way to make some good money soon. And august is rolling around soon so hey a little exotic dancing never killed anyone eh? But besides all that jazz I need to start eating better, no more chick-fil-A and I need to start working out.It would be swell to at least get toned and not be winded from walking up stairs. I need to start stretching to get more flexible, im ok but seriously I used to be way more flexible back in the day.

The other day I was walking to my moms car and I found a condom (still in the wrapper) on the ground so I picked it up and was like "hey mom i just found a condom on the ground how uncool is that" and then she goes "save it you might need it soon" lol yea she is crazy. I do love her but sometimes she drives me craaazzzy! lol
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